Rainy Skies

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"Your name is Naphon?" The boy next to him in line asked. He's obviously been nosy and looked at the paperwork in Sky's hand.

"If you call me that, I will hit you." Sky said seriously, he hated being called Naphon, not even his parents called him that. "My name is Sky."

"Oh," the other boy said cheerfully, despite the threat, "I'm Varain, but everyone calls me Rain. Hey Rain/Sky see we have to be friends now."

Sky looked at him doubtfully. Normally Sky kept to himself and didn't make friends easily. Now here was this boy he had just met practically declaring them to be besties.

"Are you from Bangkok? I have lived here all my life although my mother is from Korea. I have been to Korea a few times to visit my grandparents, it's really cool there." Well that explained Rain's almost idol like cuteness Sky thought.

Sky sighed, apparently Rain was a talker. The exact opposite of Sky who almost always kept his thoughts to himself. "I'm from Lopburi, I came to Bangkok to attend school."

"By yourself? That is so cool. I live with my parents, you need to come have dinner at my house sometimes. Are your parents in Lopburi still? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Who do you stay with?"

Breath Rain before you pass out, Sky thought. "I am staying at my Uncle's house, but he has several so it's like living alone. My dad is in Lopburi, my mom lives abroad. They are divorced, no siblings." It's honestly the most Sky has told anyone about himself ever.

"Oh do you like video games?"

Seriously was Rain writing a book on him? "Sometimes, I prefer reading manga though."

"I have lots of manga and comics at my house, you have to come see them. Do you...." Rain was interrupted because it was his turn to register. After he signed his paperwork he moved over to the side to wait on Sky. They were supposed to go to the auditorium for orientation and to be assigned their classes next.

To Rain's delight they had the same class schedule, "See I told you we were meant to be friends." Rain smirked.

"Rain, has anyone ever told you that you are very annoying," Sky said, but he was already feeling a slight bit of affection towards Rain. Rain was just too friendly and easy to like.

Rain laughed, "All the time," he admitted.

They managed to be late for their first class because Rain swore he knew the way. They ended up at the wrong building and had to backtrack almost all the way across the campus. Luckily being their first day the teacher was a little more lenient, but scolded them not to let it happen again.

After classes Rain insisted that Sky come home with him to meet his parents. Rain's house is a pretty long bus ride from the school so Rain asks more questions about Sky and his life.

"Do you know what you want to study yet? My parents told me that I need to decide so that I can start taking extra classes. I have an idea of what I want to do but I am not sure if I'm a good enough student. My aunt says I won't ever make it." Rain pouted a little at this.

"I thought I would like to go into architecture. I love building and designing things." Sky says.

Rain's eyes grew big, "No way! That's what I want to do as well. We are destined to be friends. Maybe we can take extra classes together, that would be so cool."

Rain's house is upper middle class. In the driveway is parked a brand new blue BMW. "My dad just bought that," Rain said excitedly. "He said in three years if I work very hard at school and get into university he will pass it down to me and get something new. Mom said he just wants an excuse to get a new vehicle every three years."

They went to Rain's room which was as chaotic and busy as Rain himself. A few architectural magazines were strewn around along with some manga, some American comic books, and lots of video games. Sky always kept his room fairly neat but somehow the chaos of Rain's room felt comfortable.

Rain's mom came in as the boys were passing comic books back and forth and clicked disapprovingly at the state of the room. Sky imagined the woman had a fight on her hands trying to keep Rain in line and couldn't help but smile.

"Sky dear, is there anything you can't eat? You will stay for dinner won't you?"

Sky admitted that he didn't really care for noodles but anything else would be fine. Rain's mom smiled at the polite boy and secretly hoped he would be a calming influence on her sometimes wild son.


Rain was almost bouncing off the walls happy with his new friend. Rain was friendly but didn't always have an easy time making real friends. He knew he talked too much and many people found him annoying. Funnily enough when Sky actually called him annoying it felt even more like they could be true friends.

He also instinctively felt that Sky was a little lonely living in a new city, basically by himself. Rain was very empathetic, although he didn't know the word, he just knew he could often feel when people were sad, or angry.

They had exchanged numbers and contact information earlier, Rain had even sent Sky a cute cat sticker to test it out. This made Rain think of something else.

"Have you ever had a pet?" He asked Sky.

"Not really a pet, I have lots of plants at home that I love to take care of, they sort of feel like pets to me." Sky admitted. "What about you?" Sky was starting to really get used to this back and forth questioning that was getting to know each other.

"No, I want a cat so badly but my mom's allergic. She sometimes sends cat videos to me, want to see a cute one?" Of course he grabbed his phone to show Sky the video without waiting for an answer.

It was getting late after they had dinner so Rain walked Sky to the bus stop. "Next time you will have to bring extra clothes so you can stay the night." Rain said. "Maybe this weekend so we can stay up reading and playing video games."

Sky rolled his eyes, which Rain of course took as a yes.

"See you at school tomorrow," Rain said waving goodbye as the bus came.

"See you," Sky said and Rain was pretty sure he saw a smile as Sky turned away.

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