The Date

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Phayu took Rain to one of his favorite restaurants just off campus. It was a small place but the food was good and the staff created a caring homey feel for the students that frequented the establishment.

Over the course of their date Phayu discovered six very important things about Rain by observing him closely.

The first thing Phayu discovered was that Rain was fun to tease. He responded to every tease with either blushes, pouts, toothy smiles or a combination. That made Phayu want to tease him all the much more. That suited him fine, Phayu was a natural born tease.

The second thing he discovered was Rain was a talker who held little back, this also suited Phayu fine. He enjoyed listening to Rain and it made it easier to find out about his cute boy.

The third thing he discovered was that Rain was highly intelligent although Rain freely admitted his grades sometimes suffered because lecture classes bored him to tears. He was top in most of his creative classes though and spoke several languages fluently.

The fourth thing he learned was although intelligent Rain viewed the world with a wide-eyed innocence and nativity that was almost child like.

The fifth thing he discovered was Rain did not back down when challenged. When asked why he had decided to be an architect, Rain answered with a grimace, "Because my aunt said I couldn't do it. She said architecture would be too difficult for me. So I asked my parents to send me to extra classes, studied hard and passed the exam. When I told my aunt she only bragged that my cousin had passed his medical exam. I could have cried." Phayu laughed at this earning him one of Rain's adorable pouts but he was actually impressed by the boy's determination.

The sixth thing he learned was that Rain had an extremely sensitive spot right below his ears. Phayu couldn't help smirking a little at this last fact, storing that one away for future use.

Rain was excitedly showing Phayu a cat video his mother had sent him while they waited for their food to be served, "I want a cat so badly Phi, but my mother is allergic so she sends me videos instead. Isn't it so cute?"

"So cute," Phayu said. Rain looked up and realized Phayu was watching him and not the video.

"PPhayu!" Rain said blushing and looking away but he was pretty sure Rain was grinning as well.

Phayu let Rain carry most of the conversation through out dinner only asking him a few pointed questions about his school work and why he had decided to study architecture.

"You'll have to balance your time, Rain" Phayu told him when Rain admitted to leaving projects until the last minute. "I can help you with a study schedule." Rain started to protest but Phayu cut him off. "We are both busy, if you want to have time for more dates with this handsome senior then you will have to learn balance." Phayu was serious and a little stern on this matter but managed to soften his words with a little tease.


Rain didn't want their dinner to end. P'Phayu was the perfect dinner companion, he never seemed annoyed by Rain's rambling, in fact he seemed interested in everything Rain had to say. Although he did like to tease Rain a lot.

They walked back to the campus parking lot and Rain wished that time would stop so they could stay like this forever, comfortably walking hand and hand. It had stopped raining and night was nice. P'Phayu's hand in his just felt so right, Rain never wanted to let it go.

As they neared their destination though, Rain became a little nervous again. How did people usually end dates? Should he thank P'Phayu for dinner. That seemed reasonable. What else did people usually do? His mind raced trying to remember how people ended dates in the series he liked. He didn't really have any other references. The only two real life dates he'd ever been on, his dates had been so annoyed by Rain's nonstop chatter that they had practically run away the first chance they had gotten.

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