Rain has a bad day

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The day started off wrong because Rain had forgotten to plug his phone into charge. Dead phone equaled no alarm equaled Rain being late for school.

Plus with a dead phone he couldn't call or text P'Phayu or Sky to let them know he was running late.

It was pouring down rain, because of course it was, and the traffic was particularly bad because of an accident that was blocking the road. He was soaked just getting from the car to the building and by the time Rain got there first class was already over. He just hoped Sky or Ple would let him borrow their notes.

He at least managed to make it to second class but there he discovered he hadn't closed his backpack completely and all his papers, including his homework assignment had also gotten soaked. It was illegible so he was given zero marks for the assignment.

At least there was lunch and seeing P'Phayu to look forward too, until Sky told him that  P'Phayu had sent Sky a text asking him to tell Rain he wasn't going to be able to make lunch. He had an assignment to work on. At least he's gotten Rain's message (sent through Sky) that Rain's phone was dead. After that Rain hadn't wanted his lunch, barely picking at it.

As he was leaving the canteen after lunch he was cornered by P'Som and a few members of the "P'Phayu fan club". They started iby nitpicking Rain's appearance then actually said they didn't know how P'Phayu had chosen someone so annoying. If Ple had been there she would have told her brother off, but unfortunately Sky and Ple had left ahead of him.

The rest of the afternoon didn't go much better. He was scolded by one of his teachers because he accidentally knocked over a table and sent books and stationery flying everywhere. Another teacher wasn't happy because he had to share Sky's papers to follow along in class because of his own being soaked. Then in his hurry to meet P'Phayu after class he fell and tore the knees out of his uniform pants, skinning his knees and palms in the process.

By the time he reached the steps where he would meet P'Phayu he was soaked, again. His knees and palms really hurt, and he felt a little like curling up into a tiny ball and crying his eyes out.


A tease about Rain forgetting to charge his phone died unspoken as Phayu took in Rain's appearance.

Rain was sitting on the steps with his knees pulled up to his chest. His arms were wrapped around his legs and he laid his head down on his knees. It was the first time he hadn't seen Rain bouncing with energy or relaxed and smiling. The sight broke Phayu's heart.

"Rain, are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Fine." Rain said in a small voice not even bothering to raise his head, "it's just been a really bad day."

Phayu pulled Rain to his feel, that's when he saw that his knees were bleeding. "Rain, what happened?"

"I fell." Rain admitted sheepishly, "My palms hurt too." He held them out to Phayu and they did look scraped and raw.

Phayu insisted they go to the infirmary so that he could clean Rain's injuries. Then he took him to his house.

Rain had stayed at Phayu's house a few times, well more than a few times, and had clothes and toiletries there. It always made Phayu happy because it reminded him that Rain was a big part of his life now.

He told Rain to go take a shower, telling him he looked like a drenched puppy. "I will put the ointment on and bandage your wounds after you finish."


Rain felt a little better after his shower, in fact he had begun to feel better from the time P'Phayu had first spoke to him on the steps that afternoon.

He put on a pair of shorts and one of P'Phayu's t shirts. This outfit had become his favorite pajamas.

"Sit let me doctor you." Rain sat on the edge of the bed while P'Phayu gently applied the ointment to Rain's knees and palms, then put fresh bandages on Rain's knees.

"Do you want to tell me what happened now?" P'Phayu said gently, sitting beside him on the bed and pulling him close.

Rain told him about his day in all its miserable details. While P'Phayu made sympathetic noises and murmurs. After talking it out, Rain felt exhausted. He dozed laying his head on P'Phayu's shoulder.


Phayu couldn't help but smile when Rain gave a soft snore. He gently got up trying not to wake Rain, and laid Rain down on the bed.

He emptied Rain's back pack, throwing away the useless soaked papers and laying the books out to dry. He then plugged Rain's phone into the spare charger he kept for Rain.

He went down to fix food. He would wake Rain when he was done so he could eat.

After dinner, which Rain was barely awake for and Phayu ended up feeding him for most of it, Phayu insisted he go back to bed.

To help him get back to sleep, Phayu stroked his hair while he sang "Do you know how good things are? Do you know how happy I am? Do you know how my old life has changed?......"

Rain fell asleep with a little smile while listening to Phayu sing his favorite song.

The next day Phayu told his fan club that Rain was off limits and if he ever heard of them bullying Rain again he would find a way to make their lives miserable. It was actually the second time Som had been lectured about his behavior to Rain. Ple had torn into him the night before about how he had treated Rain.


Today Rain was back to being his usual bubbly self. The sun was shining that morning. His books were mostly dry and his Phone fully changed. Both thanks to P'Phayu since Rain hadn't even thought about it.

His knees and hands still stung a little but it wasn't that bad, and P'Phayu had given each injury a get well kiss that morning. P'Phayu had also helped him with his assignments that had to be turned in that day as they ate breakfast. He got top marks and the teachers praised him for his attention to details.

P'Phayu and P'Pai joined them for lunch. Most shocking of all though was when P'Som stopped him in the hall to apologize for his behavior the previous day.

All in all this was a really good day.

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