Never Say

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Somehow Sky had forgotten to get groceries. You would think that would be an important detail but It had been a hectic week of studying and assignments. Not to mention one brutal last minute project assigned by a particularly strict professor. Now he was starving and didn't even have a single pack of noodles in his dorm (Sky didn't even like noodles, just kept them around for Rain, but at this point he was desperate).

He decided he would run down quickly and grab something from one of the street vendors that always set up near the dorms, then come back shower, dress, and go shopping.

As he walked through the dorm lobby, He counted out the correct change he would need for his usual order. Suddenly he realized someone was standing in front of him.

He looked up to see the same puppy dog pleading eyes that he had spent way too much time thinking about lately.


Pai grinned as he took in Sky's appearance. Boxer shorts, an old oversized t-shirt, flip flops, bed head and all. God he was adorable.

"P'Prapai why are you here?" Sky said with a frown. Well it's not like Pai was expecting a warm reception.

"I came to see my boyfriend of course." Pai said with his best charming smile.

"Who's your boyfriend?" Sky managed. He could not believe how shameless this guy was.

"Oh sorry, I meant future boyfriend."

"If you want someone to play with, find someone else. " Sky said coldly, "I am not interested in a hook up or a friend with benefits."

"What if I am serious, what if I don't just want a hook up or a friend with benefits?" Pai asked, just like when he talked to Phayu he was surprised at himself. He really did feel like he wanted more with Sky.

Sky actually hesitated but couldn't believe that this handsome playboy would want something serious with someone like him of all people. Sky considered himself as a bit of a geek. Not cute like Rain or pretty like Ple, just average at best.

"Someone like you won't be serious about anyone." Sky answered. "So stop wasting your time." Sky made to move around him, but Pai moved again to block his path.

"Ok, fine, I admit it. When I asked Phayu to get Rain to introduce us, I only thought you were cute (Sky snorted at this) and I was interested in a fling. Now, though, I would just be happy if you would give me a chance. I would like to maybe to take you out for a meal or movie. That's it no ulterior motive. We could even double date with Phayu and Rain if it would make you more comfortable. I just want to get to know you better."

To Pai's delight Sky actually seemed to think it over. Finally he sighed and said, "Fine, one date, but only because I think it's the only way you will get bored of whatever game you're playing and leave me alone. Now will you please move so I can get something to eat?"

"What a coincidence, I am hungry too." Pai was very happy by the change of events.

"Don't push your luck." Sky said stalking past him leaving Pai looking after him with a goofy grin.


"What?" Rain asked for the third time. He still wasn't sure he had heard Sky correctly. Maybe something was wrong with his ears.

"I want you to ask P'Phayu to set up a double date for you guys, P'Prapai and me."

"But you don't like him, right? You said you didn't...."

Sky interrupted him, "Just please can you do it?"

"Of course I will." Rain said eagerly.

"And stop your wild imagination. It's just a date. A one time deal. We aren't getting engaged or anything."

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