P'Som's Broken Heart

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Ple sat with a sigh, "P'Som is going to drive me insane."

Sky laughs, "What has he done now?"

She said, "He won't let me go on a group date with a boy I like. There will literally be 5 other couples there and last time I checked I am an adult now."

"You like a boy?" Rain says excitedly. "Why are we just now hearing about this? Who is it? Confess, tell us everything."

"Like is a strong word," Ple admits. "I have only just met him. Let's just say I would like to get to know him better. It is P'Kiat from the business faculty."

"Oh, I know him," Sky says, "he seems nice. Why doesn't P'Som like him?"

"P'Som doesn't object to P'Kiat, he objects to me going out with anyone. Every since someone," she looks at Rain with amusement, "snatched P'Phayu, P'Som has been insufferable. It's not even like he ever had a chance with P'Phayu in the first place."

"He should move on, find someone else." Rain said pouting, "P'Phayu is mine."

"We know," Ple says with a laugh, "everyone knows. They probably already know in England, you have proclaimed it so loud and so many times." Rain grinned. "Besides who wants to go out with P'Som?"

"I might know someone." Sky says, looking over at the table where Sig sat with Por. It hasn't escaped his attention that Sig singles P'Som out to tease or that the two seem to bicker more than is normal. There is certainly chemistry there.


"Sky are you sure this will work? P'Som and Sig don't seem to like each other very much." Rain said he, Sky and Ple had just left the abandoned classroom where Sky had laid out the details of his plan.

"Rain, you are the one who watches all the series. What's your favorite trope?" Sky says.

"Enemies to lovers?" Rain asks uncertaintly.

"Exactly," Sky says.

It was true, Rain thought. The enemies to lovers stories were always the ones with the most chemistry and the ones that were most fun to watch.

"So our plan is to make sure Sig and P'Som spend as much time as possible with each other?" Ple asks.

"And to give them nudges when needed. I think I even have a way to get you and P'Kiat an impromptu date, but we will need P'Phayu's help." Sky said.

"Why?" Rain asked.

"Because P'Som won't say no to P'Phayu," Ple is the one who answers.

That night Rain told P'Phayu about the plan while playing a game of fetch with Stormy. He would throw the catnip mouse and Stormy would take off after it full speed and bring it back to drop at Rain's feet. Cloud is curled up asleep in P'Phayu's lap while he gently rubs her ears.

"So you want me to arrange a group date Saturday for me, you, Pai, Sky, Ple, Kiat, Sig, and Som?"

Rain nods, "And you need to talk P'Som into going."

P'Phayu thinks it over, "you know you can't force two people to be together if they don't like each other."

"We aren't going to force them, we are just going to give them a chance to know each other." Rain says with a smile. It wasn't exactly true, Sky had more tricks up his sleeve, but Rain decided to give P'Phayu plausible deniability just in case things went wrong.


P'Som did agree to the Saturday outing once P'Phayu made it sound like P'Som would be doing a favor for him. Rain had talked Sig into going, making it sound like just a group get together. Luckily Por was going to visit his grandparents that weekend so there were no awkward questions about why he wasn't going.

The group met at the amusement park where P'Pai and he had gone on their first double date with P'Phayu and Rain.

"P'Som," Ple pleaded, let's go on that ride. She pointed to one of the most popular roller coasters in the park. "Please."

Ple had said that P'Som didn't really like roller coasters but would never admit it. "Um, sure" he said uncertainty.

When they reached the front of the line they broke into couples leaving P'Som and Sig as the odd ones out, as was the plan. The two didn't have much choice but to sit together and Ple pushed them to take the front seats. The other couples in pairs behind them.

Sky is pretty sure he heard P'Som screaming at one point and when they left the cars he noticed P'Som was gripping Sig's hand. Step one success, he thought. Next they decided to play some games, always choosing those games that required them to couple up, somehow. The rest of the day went pretty much the same with the group throwing the pair together as much as possible.


Sig is far from stupid. He had realized what his friends were up to by the second time he and P'Som were paired for a game. The thing was he wasn't opposed to the idea. He had actually liked P'Som for a while now, but P'Som only had eyes for P'Phayu.

Besides they were polar opposites. P'Som was serious and quick tempered where Sig was admittedly clownish and easy going. Irritating people was Sig's love language, Por had once joked with him. So he just had never known where to start with P'Som. The more he tried to get his attention the more outlandish he became. He's even once kissed P'Som on the cheek, causing the senior to chase him all over the campus.

Now here were his friends trying to play matchmaker. Well Sig thought it was worth a try.


Som looked at his sister and her friends suspiciously. He was sure they were up to something and it had to do with him and Sig. Sig of all people. The junior went out his way to drive Som insane. Still though Som couldn't forget the way he'd held his hand on the roller coaster and some of the games they had played together had been fun.

Plus sometimes Sig really made him laugh, and Som couldn't say that about a lot of people. Som remembers the time Sig kissed him on the cheek. Som had pretended to be furious and chased Sig but in reality he'd been having fun. Actual fun.

Som sighed. He couldn't pine after P'Phayu forever it was obvious how much he and Rain loved each other. To be honest P'Phayu had never even given Som a second glance before he'd met Rain. It's just been easier to hold onto the dream of what could be then.


Sky couldn't help but feel the day had been successful. P'Som and Sig seemed to be enjoying each other's company and Sky is pretty sure he heard P'Som giving P'Kiat the big brother blessing to take Ple out on a solo date.

He decides to push his luck and ask P'Som to lead a study group for the architectural students. That would give the hopefully future couple a lot more time to get to know each other.

To everyone's surprise he says yes.



I can't help but ship Som and Sig as much as they argue. Type's rule, you always get what you hate. 😉

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