Some Wrecked Angel

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"I can't do it Sky, I knew this school was a bad idea," I exclaim

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"I can't do it Sky, I knew this school was a bad idea," I exclaim. "Stefan don't be like this okay I know what happened between you and Riven okay he's a dick I would have gave him a punch too," Sky said. "Ever since I came here it's just made everything worse and I haven't learned shit about what the fuck I am," I shout. "Relax Stefan we'll figure this out together," He tells me as he brings me into a hug. "How are you always able to calm me down," I ask with a laugh. "Big brother powers," He says back. "Only by a few months!" I say as I exit the room as I receive a text from Stella to come to the front gates asap.

"Hey what's going on, why'd you ask me here," I ask softly. "It's my mum Stefan she's coming here today," She replied and my eyes went wide. "On the bright side it's only one day Stel, right?" "Yeah half a day of everyone adoring her like she's literally the sun." "Well she is the Queen of Light but if it makes it any better I adore you much more," I say making us both smile. "This whole Burned One assembly she's doing I know she's, really just here to check on my progress, look I'll check in later," She finishes as multiple cars pull up. "I'm a text away Stel and you can handle this." I say as I leave her to face her mother.

"Need any help?" Terra asks her father as she stands next to him. "No this is a special project easy for me to wrangle on my own, but if you want to help Stef strip hydrangea roots for me," Harvey replies as he points at the seat next to me I just smile at her.

"Oh uh yeah I should actually probably finish my homework," Terra says and Sam decides to join in. "Really? 'Cause it seems pretty done to me," There's then a knock at the door and both me and Sam stand up as Harvey turns around. "Hey Terra can we-?" Dane stutters. "Whilst I appreciate that it is the historical perspective of the patriarchy to save women from upsetting situations, I've um, I've got this," Terra states and Sam and I sit back down.

"You didn't answer my texts," Dane says sadly. "I've been busy," Terra says as Dane sighs. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, you've been great to me-" "Yeah I have, I'm a good person Dane I think you are too, but I'm not really sure I care to find out anymore, just a word of advice, be careful who you trust." She finishes and shuts the door on Dane.

"Still kinda wanna punch him," Sam speaks up. "Yeah I got a good push in him last night," I say back. "Hey I never got a chance to thank you last night, for that, you didn't have to do that you know?" "It's fine Terra I did have to and I would've done it again, they shouldn't have been talking about you like that," I tell her and she gives me a hug. But as she hugs me I feel that same feeling I felt while I was touching Stella the other day. Almost like she was giving me power.

Everyone sits at the assembly and Queen Luna steps up to the podium. "Cant believe she's Stella's mum," Aisha try's to say quietly. "I know right? Massively powerful fairy, zero ego, boss goals. Bet it drives Stella crazy." Terra replies. "Actually she has quite the big ego, she just puts up this Queen Luna front for everyone, if you think about it Stella's the way she is because of how her mom treats her." I add in and shut my eyes not wanting to be at this assembly.

I open my eyes once the girls seem to be confused as to why Silva, Dowling and Harvey are all on edge. "Conflict is on the horizon, We are tracking at least five Burned Ones throughout Solaria, the threat is serious and growing it's time for all of you to pay attention," Queen Luna states and all the students begin to talk amongst themselves.

No one's pov

"I sent you like 20 texts and your out looking for Bloom," Stella exclaims in disbelief. "I'm in the middle of something Stella," Sky says. "So am I, I need you." "Bloom's missing, I don't know if she's in danger or hiding, but it can probably be traced back to the fact that everyone knows she's a changing things to you," "Oh I didn't mean to hurt her," "You say you don't wanna be like your mother, but all I see is someone who treats others exactly the same way that Luna treats you, so I'm done with this Stella. I'm fully done." Sky finishes as he leaves the room.

As Bloom gets out of the car we all smother her in a group hug. As I have one hand on Musa and one on Bloom I again feel that tingling feeling. What the fuck is going on? I ask myself. I have to talk to Dowling about this.

As we walk back to the suite we can see suitcases being wheeled out of the school. "Wait those are Stella's suitcases," Terra shouts as we all hurry to the suite. Once we get into the suite, it's empty. All her stuff, gone. I put my hands on my head and let out a deep breath as I can hear all of their voices with their ideas and theories bouncing on top of each other. "Can everybody stop talking please!" I shout at them causing them all to jump. "Stefan nobody was talking," Terra says quietly. "Oh my god Stefan your eyes, they're glowing pink," Musa exclaims. "You're a mind fairy?" They all say in sync clearly confused. "I don't know what I am," I say as I angrily head towards Dowling's office.

"Dowling what am I!" I shout clearly upset. "I can hear everyone, feel what everyone's feeling, am I mind fairy?" I say taking a deep breath. "Oh Stefan I believe you are much more than just a mind fairy. I've done some research and I don't know much about your birth mother, but I do know she was what's to be called a cosmic fairy, it's called a cosmic fairy because one only births once every hundred years. So once you were born your mother died not long after giving birth to you, passing her power down to you cosmic fairs are not only fairies, they are half of something else usually, something more supernatural like a Phoenix or Hellhounds," Dowling explains.

"So what power is that?" I say still visibly confused. "Look at it as you are a sponge Stefan, what you did to Silva after his fight with the Burned Ones, you absorbed his pain giving him more relief. You can not only take pain but you can take power Stefan, like now I believe you don't know how to control your suite-mate Musa's powers?" "I guess that makes more sense," I reply and she begins again. "Look Stefan that's all I really know at this moment but I promise you I will do everything I can to help you and find out more." "Thank you, c-could I hug you?" I ask quietly. "Just this once," she says as she smiles and embraces me in a hug.

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