Low-Flying Panic Attack

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weeks later

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weeks later

For the past couple months Rosalind had taken over alfea. Miss Dowling had been missing since the fight and to add to the shitty stuff going around the school, fairies were getting expelled for the ridiculous reasons. But what was even weirder what how fairies were going missing. Currently the suite is out by the stone circle as Marco and Bloom use their powers during a lesson.

"Your emotions are a tool. nothing more,
nothing less. they're a power source, you've been told to control them. that isn't always the best option" Rosalind stated.

Her gaze then went towards Bloom and Marco on opposite ends of the stone circle.
Marco shot a lightning blast toward bloom's hand, which took the flame out.
"In combat, you'll need to rely on instinct" Rosalind announced and Bloom made another flame in her hand, but it was taken out by Marco once again. Bloom let out a frustrated grunt as Marco repeatedly took the flame out. this continued to happen for quite a while, until the she finally snapped as flames lit up from her hands. "That's when you find real power" Rosalind said with a wicked smile on her face.

After class I went straight to specialist training. My father orders Sky and Dane to fight drawing first blood. They fight and Dane slices his abdomen.

"Stefan I want you up there, you've got a lot to learn," Andreas tells me and I stand up onto the platform. He then starts fighting me trying to land blows.

After fighting for a few minutes he manages to cut my cheek, drawing blood. "I need to see better Stefan, you're dismissed," He says and I walk off with blood dripping down my face.

Later on while walking around I spot the girls sitting by a tree and I start making my way towards them. "Hi everybody," I announce making my presence known as I place a kiss on Stella's cheek. "Hello Stefan!" Terra says joyfully. The girls continue their conversation from before and Stella looks at me noticing my new cut on my face. "What happened?" She asks as she gently rubs her thumb across the cut. "Andreas happened, gone for 15 years and somehow comes back worse then before," I say with a scoff and she just puts her arms around me into a hug.

"Isn't what he did self-defense? Andreas would've killed him if he didn't fight back, who's his lawyer?" Bloom asks referring to Silva. "What you think a courtroom drama played out? Bloom, this isn't the First World. There was a tribunal than a decree from the queen," Stella replies. "But if your mum made the decree can she not unmake it?" "Even if we were speaking, she's not in the habit of changing her mind, it's happening tomorrow and Andreas is leading the transfer." Stella finishes. "We have to do something," Bloom states. "I'm thinking something active," Bloom speaks again and I decide to remove myself from the conversation. "I can't be hearing this I'm sorry," I say receiving looks from the girls I speak again. "Rosalind and my father have been looking at me through a damn microscope anything you guys do will fall on me, I can't be apart of it this time I'm sorry guys, just seriously whatever you do be safe." I finish and give a kiss to Stella as I walk off.

After both me and Sky were kicked off of the mission to take Silva I went back to the suite to find nobody there. After relaxing for a little bit I decide to go to specialist training to train by myself.

After training for awhile I go to find Sky and Riven after learning they had got back from their mission. "We didn't find a body so it's not the worst case scenario," Riven says to Sky and Sky gets angry with whatever shit Dane's on about.

"You think this is funny?" Sky asks Dane as he walks closer to him. "Sky! No we were um just chatting," Dane says with his arms to the side. "Chatting? About a guy getting shot in the back?" "Just messing around relax mate." "I'm not gonna relax," Sky says getting up in Dane's face. "Okay then don't relax but u think we both remember what happened last time," Dane snickers and Sky lands a hard blow straight into his face.

I just stand there allowing sky to beat the shit out of him, Dane deserves it considering him always running his mouth about something. I look to my right to see Andreas also watching with a smirk on his face. "Sky get the fuck off him," Riven says as he pushes Sky of Dane," "You let me know when you wanna keep chatting, mate," Sky says to Dane as we walk off. "Finally gave that kid what he deserved big bro," I say with a smirk.

After more training with Sky I walk by myself back up to the suite getting there about the same time as Terra, Musa and Aisha. "What the hell Stella? You blanked on us all day we needed you," Aisha says clearly annoyed with Stella .

"I thought we were all in this together, I did the speech," Terra says sadly. "A great speech may I add Terra," I chime in as I walk towards my room. "Maybe let's not gang up before we know the full story," Musa adds. "I was on my way but Rosalind called me into her office, apparently I haven't been as discreet as I thought with my magic," Stella says and the girls ask her if she's okay receiving an I'm fine from her. "It's fine she just gave me a warning."

There's then a knock on the door. I open it to be pinned against the wall by my father. "What the fuck are you doing," I ask as two other specialists enter the room along with Rosalind. "What the hells going on let him go!" Stella says and the girls chime in. My father then trips me making me fall faced down on the floor and proceeds to put my hand behind my back. "You Stefan of Eraklyon are being taken in for questioning for the escape of Saul Silva," Rosalind states and the girls' eyes go wide. My father then lifts me to stand upright facing my friends and as I get escorted out of the room I say "I'll figure this out don't worry about me."

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