Love At First Sight

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FlashbackStella and Sky are 12 Stefan is 11For this to make sense Stefan is seeing this or like reliving this whiles he's unconscious from the Burned one attack and the next chapter will follow the episode of the show

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Stella and Sky are 12 Stefan is 11
For this to make sense Stefan is seeing this or like reliving this whiles he's unconscious from the Burned one attack and the next chapter will follow the episode of the show.

"Silva do we really have to go? I'd rather train today," Sky asks pouting. "Yes Sky we must show the Queen what great warriors you two are going to be, and you must meet your future Queen of Solaria so be on your best behaviors you two," Silva says back as we walk to the entrance of this big castle.

"Queen Luna it's great to see you your highness," Silva says gracefully. "Stefan of Eraklyon, it's a pleasure to meet you Queen Luna," I say with a hand out. She gives my hand a light shake and Sky introduces himself.

"Boys, this is my daughter, Stella, the future Queen of Solaria," Queen Luna states as she pushes forward a beautiful girl with long blonde hair. "Alright Silva why don't I show you around while the kids get to know each other," The Queen suggests as Sky whispers something to Silva. "Would it be alright if Sky joined us, he's very fascinated by all you have here," He asks and the Queen just smiles and nods.

"Come with me," The princess says quietly as she leads me to this beautiful pond in the back of the castle. "This view is gorgeous," I say looking at the girl. "I like coming here a lot, especially when I need a break," She replies. "I get that, you're lucky you've got a place like this, so you're a fairy?" I ask and she just holds out her hand as a light ball forms from it. "And you're a specialist?" She asks with her hand still out.

"Yeah my father was a specialist and my mother was a fairy," I reply. "Huh and you don't have any powers?" She asks and I shake my head. "So Princess, should I like bow every time I see you?" I say while doing a fake bow and laugh as I fall over onto the ground. I continue to lay on the ground as she walks over and puts her hand out.

As soon as our hands touch, both of our hands start glowing. "What are you doing?" I exclaim. "This isn't me!" She says a little worried and I try to release my grip from hers but it's like they're sealed shut and this big burst of light erupts around us. I get up from the floor and look around seeing what looks like starts, "It's like we're in space," I say in awe. "H-How did this happen, did we do this?" She asks me. "Don't look at me you're the one with powers," I laugh out with my hands up. "You know you are really someone special Stella of Solaria," I say smiling. "As are you Stefan of Eraklyon."
Ever since then I've been smitten.

Again for this to make sense Stefan's fairy mother implemented this memory into his mind for him to see once he found himself and his soulmate. Like how Rosalind put the memory into Bloom's mind. So the next part will be no one's POV just Stefan's mother talking to him right after he was born

I don't have much time my beautiful boy but you must know where you came from. I've come from a very rare bloodline, mostly referred to the Starlight bloodline. Only one child is apart of this bloodline every one hundred years because it would cause catastrophic damage for two with that much power. Within this bloodline you will receive the power to take pain from people, absorb energy and elements from other fairies, you will connect most with light as well as fire and mind fairies.

But there is a legend, or a prophecy if you must. The Starlight Prophecy, in which the Star finds its Light. It began with a Light fairy and the Star which was half fairy. They fell deeply in love but the Star couldn't be touched. Although they couldn't touch, they still fell deeply in love. They lived happily until one day the light fairy grew terribly ill and died. The Star then sacrificed themself and put all their power and love to bring back the Light. The Star then became the weak one until they were reunited with their Light and they were able to touch. When they touched, bursts of light flew around them. Light and Stars surrounding them. Turning them into to of the most powerful beings right next to
The Dragon Flame.

Now as we go away from the prophecy I'll tell you a little more about what you can do. You'll be able to turn your whole body into two of the elements you connect with most, yours will be fire and light. As I said before you are half fairy, a little while after your first transformation you will become your other half of supernatural, I am a banshee.

You will change the world Stefan, I never found my light, but I know you will. I love you my sweet boy.

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