Taken By The Wind

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Being hit in the face and stomach all night by Dane getting his anger with Sky out on me I speak up

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Being hit in the face and stomach all night by Dane getting his anger with Sky out on me I speak up. "This is ridiculous you do know that right?" I say while tied to a chair in Rosalinds office. "Where were you while Saul Silva escaped from captivity" "I was here, training." "Is there anybody that can support that alibi?""Sky joined me for a bit and then I went to Harvey to check on my cuts, now was this really necessary," I ask gesturing to my tied hands.

"Yes it was Stefan because you, you are too unpredictable, that worries me and your father, we want to make sure when the time comes you'll be on our side," Rosalind states. "I'll be on your side as long as it's the right one, now can I please go," I plead.

"I've been looking into you Stefan, and I've been wondering what exactly you are, I mean I heard the rumors about what you did during the fight but I haven't seen anything that powerful come from you since." "It was more of a in the moment thing." "Do you even know what you are? Because I'd like to help you find out, but for to even try I'd need a little bit of blood from you," Rosalind states as she gets out a needle and empty blood bags.

"If you do this I'll let you go back to your friends after, don't you want to see Stella? You do know it'll never work between you two though, she's going to be the Queen of Solaria one day and when she's done with you, she'll throw you out like nothing." "I think I'll take my chances, now can we just get over with this," I say and she sticks two needles in both my veins drawing blood.

"Your father resents you, you know that? I think he blames your mothers death on you, is that why you hate him so much?" "I don't exactly hate him, but I don't see him as a father, he never did anything resembling a father and he wasn't even here, I was basically born without a mother and a father." I say as I close my eyes waiting for this to be over.

I then wake up feeling more drowsy then before and look to my side seeing two bags full of blood. How the fuck could she need that much blood, I think to myself. "Free to go Stefan, thank you for your cooperation," Rosalind says and I walk out of her office.

"Fuck what happened to you," Beatrix asks while sitting outside her office. "Fuck off Beatrix," I reply and dizzily walk up to the suite.

On my way to the suite I think I passed out because Sky appeared out of nowhere arm under mine to help me walk up to the room.

"Really can I please convince all of you to stop being so helpful? I could've gone six months without unpacking, I hear a familiar voice say as Sky opens the door to the suite. I just ignore it and walk into my room and I can hear Sky speak. "I'd give him a minute, rough night, I don't know what happened to him but he looks sick right now so can you guys just keep an eye on him?" "Yeah of course," Bloom replies and Sky leaves the suite.

"Hey you," Bloom says as she comes in my room and sits on my bed. "Hi" "I'm sorry Stef this was all my fault," Bloom states. "It's okay Bloom, I'm glad you guys got Silva out, small price to pay," I reply and Bloom comes closer to give me a hug and speaks again. "We also got assigned a new roommate you should meet." I then nod and get up following her out of the room.

"Flora?" I say as I see all the girls sprawled out on the couches. "Stef!" Flora exclaims as she jumps up from her spot to give me a hug. "You're the new roommate?" "Yeah, are you also in the suite? But how you're a specialist, and a dude," she says while laughing. "Yeah what can I say I put the special in specialist," I reply receiving chuckles from the girls. I glance over to Stella and she does not look happy. She gets up and goes into her room as Flora follows her in with a box leaving me, Aisha, Bloom and Terra in the main area. "Weird she transferred mid-year," Aisha said. "Yeah she's like that, sort does her own thing, but I'll make sure she stays out of trouble," Terra says. "Yeah good idea because ever since Silva, Rosalind's out for blood," Bloom states. "Yeah literally," I reply receiving questionable looks from the three. "What's that supposed to mean?" Aisha asks. "She only let me leave because I let her have some of my blood so she can test it, she practically drained me," I replied. "Oh my gosh that's why your so pale and Sky had to basically carry you up here," Bloom said and the girls embraced me in a group hug.

no one's pov

"Okay so Bloom and Sky are a thing now, but Stella and Sky were a thing last year and Stefan  was crushing on Stella for years and now they're a thing, and that's fine? Come on it's a little weird," Flora states. "Medium weird," Aisha adds on. "And you're with Sam? Love Sam, but that's clearly weird for you right Terra?" Flora says looking at Terra. "No what is weird, some of the reactions so maybe we could all pay attention," Terra adds. "You're clearly in love with whoever you're texting, it's not anyone's brother or ex?" Flora states looking at Aisha. "Well what about you, anyone special. "A while ago there was someone I liked, like a lot, but we broke it off because he couldn't get his feelings straight so that's that," Flora replies visibly hurt.

While laying in bed I get a text.
Andreas: Got a lead on Silva, suit up.

Andreas then takes us to Silvia's house, mine and Sky's childhood home. After going into the house and finding no one Andreas says "Someone was here, probably someone who knows where Silva is, this should send them a message, now burn it down." "Wait what the fuck, no don't," I say as Dane lights a match and drops it. "I go running inside for one thing, the only picture I have of my mother, the only thing I've ever had of her. I ran into my childhood room and there it was on the bedside table. As I try to exit the home fire surrounds me. "Fuck," I say to myself since I'm all tapped out of Blooms magic. I then attempt to run past it burning myself in the process. As I run back outside I'm greeted with Andreas. "What the hell was that," he asks looking at me with soot on my face. "The only thing I have of her you almost just burnt to crisp," I shout as I hold up the picture of my mother holding me as a baby.

In Rosalind's office me, Andreas, Dane and Riven are lined up as Rosalind and Beatrix walk back and forth. "You're update on Silva?" Rosalind asks. "No concrete evidence," Andreas states. Rosalind then uses her powers to hurt all 4 of us as punishment. "Riven knows something," Beatrix says quietly. "Something about who helped Silva escape he just won't say what," She says louder this time. "Very well everyone is dismissed, except Riven," Rosalind states and I walk out of the room.

I angrily walk into my room and throw a random object across the room. "Now that looked quite expensive," A familiar voice speaks out from the corner. "Silva!" I exclaim as I go closer to embrace you into a hug. "What are you doing here, it's dangerous you could get caught," I say quietly.

"I had a close call today and it made me realize that they're gonna find me eventually and I couldn't go into exile without seeing you and Sky," He says sadly. "Don't say that Silva we'll hide you," I say hopefully. "I know son, I should probably go but remember I love you Stefan," He says as he leaves the room. "Love you too."

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