Max Mayfield: Soft Headcanons

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1. She loves to take you on these little arcade dates or to the skating rink or to the skate park. I mean you guys are basically always together.

2. She has a problem with just staring at you. I think she gets it from Billy to be honest, like she will just full on stare at you in like science class and it's adorable.

3. She almost always lets you braid her hair especially when you're stressed or you're anxious about something because you love the feeling of her hair because it's really soft.

4. Rollerskating rink dates are a must because like they're just so adorable. The funny thing is that you for some odd reason do not know how to skate. Yet you always say you can but you end up falling every single time and she just laughs.

5. You guys are like a milkshake connoisseur like you guys always share them, but like you secretly fight over like the last bit.

6. You both like laying on the ground in your room and just reading comic books for hours on end.

7. She's definitely a very caring person. Sometimes you'll forget your jacket because you're just like that person and she'll give you her jacket when you're cold.

8. On school field trips or bus rides to a game like Billy's basketball game she'll fall asleep on your shoulder or it's you falling asleep on her shoulder.

9. She gets jealous just like Billy, I believe it runs in the family or something because it's like a whole different person.

10. She is always there when you need her and it's the same thing when she needs you.

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