Chapter 9- Fun and Games

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Isabella's POV

I wake up to the feeling of Jake kissing my neck.

"Mmmmm. I need more sleep." I groan.

"I am sorry. But you are in my bed, in nothing but my t-shirt looking incredibly sexy and I can't resist you." He says.

"Don't you have to go to work?" I ask.

"Nope. It's Saturday." He says before devouring my lips.

"Jake. I am starving. Let's go get some breakfast."
I say breaking the kiss. God I am sore and need a few minutes.

"Ok. Let me go make you something." He says.

"No let me this time. Please?" I ask.

"Ok. Sounds good to me." He says.

"You stay in here for a little bit while I go gather what I need." I tell him.

"Ok." He says.

I quickly head for the kitchen and gather everything I need to make breakfast. I turn the music on my iPhone and begin to dance around the kitchen as I cook. Before I realize what is happening two strong arms are snaked around my back.

"You keep dancing around this kitchen like this, we won't be eating breakfast." He warns.

"Well I will stop then so we can eat because I am starving." I tell him.

He chuckles and we sit down to eat.

"The food is amazing." He says as he shovels it all in.

"Thanks. I like to cook. But it's hard when it's only for one person." I say.

"Yes. I know. So what are you going to do today?" He asks.

"Well, I was wanting to catch a Braves game but not sure if that will happen. I haven't been to one since I was a kid." I say remembering when my dad took me.

"Well I have season tickets and great seats so..." He says.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you Jake Riley. You have good taste." I say with a chuckle.

"That I do." He says jokingly.

I head back into the kitchen and begin cleaning up. Jake comes to help. As we stand there washing the dishes I decide to get a little playful and I splash him with water. He soaks his shirt.

"Oh you are so dead." He says as he grabs the sprayer and soaks me with water.

I try to retaliate but he wraps his arms around me and locks my arms in place.

Then he kisses me. With so much a passion it almost takes my breath away. He loses his grip on my arms and I wrap my arms around his neck and run my fingers through his soft hair. He grabs my legs and I jump in his arms as he carries me over to the center island. He removes his wet shirt in a hurry before hungrily finding my lips again. His shirt is clinging tightly to my body and I am sure he can see everything since it's white and I am completely naked underneath it. He gently pushes me back as he takes his t-shirt and pulls it up exposing my stomach and breasts. Then without warning he dips his head between my legs and laps away at my folds. I begin to squirm from the sensation but he holds me in place with his strong arms while stroking my breasts and nipples.

"Fuck, fuck Jake!!" I scream.

"Let me enjoy this a little longer. Don't cum yet."
He demands.

"Jake, I can't do that." I tell him.

"One more minute." He says.

I do my best to hold it in. I thrash around in all the pleasure I am feeling. Then he tells me to cum and I explode as I release all of what I was trying to hold in.

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