Chapter 12- Love and Exes

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Isabella's POV

We make it into my hotel room and we never break the kiss. But it's not rushed. It's slow. Sweet. Romantic.

"You can't break my heart. I will never recover."
I tell him honestly.

"Stop. Why. Would. I. Ever. Do. Something. So. Stupid." He says between his chaste kisses.

"Jake, I am falling so hard and I am terrified." I tell him.

"Don't be. Just let me love you. And love me back." He says.

"I do. As fucking insane as that sounds. I was in love with you for years and then you come back into my life and after a week I am in love with you. How does that even happen?" I ask him as he kisses down my neck.

He stops and looks me in the eyes for a moment.

"Say that again." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Say you love me." He says.

"I love you." I tell him.

"I was wrong about everything. That's my favorite sound in the world." He says as he kisses me passionately.

"Fuck waiting 24 hrs, I can't resist you another minute." He says as he tears the clothes off of both of us.

He crawls back on top of me gently. I wrap my legs around him tightly as he fills me. Our moans and grunts fill the room. Every now and again our kisses muffle the sounds. It's passionate and raw and beautiful. Sweat beads on us but we make love slowly.

"Bella, I am going to do this all night long. So be ready." He says.

"Ok. I don't want this to end." I tell him.

"Me neither beautiful." He says.

Right then I lose it to my building orgasm out of nowhere.

"Jake! Jake! Oh God!!" I scream as the feeling wracks my body.

"I love you Bella." He says before losing himself to his own release.

We make love like this repeatedly all night long. He takes me from behind as he lays behind me and strokes my breast and ass while kissing my neck. Then we lay side by side facing one another or him on top. We only stop for small breaks in between in which we spend making out heavily. It was the most love anyone has ever shown me in my entire life.

After being up all night we sleep away almost all of the next day.

"What did you tell work?" I ask after we finally wake back up.

"Told them I needed a mental health day. I mean I couldn't tell them I needed a day off so I can have sex with my girlfriend all day long." He says.

"Girlfriend huh?" I say.

"Umm yes. I think that's been established without having to be said. Especially after last night." He says leaning in to kiss me.

"Well your girlfriend may never walk again if you don't leave her a lone for atleast the rest of the day." I tell him honestly.

"Ok. I will leave you alone. I will run you a bath with Epsom salts again." He says.

"That's not necessary." I tell him.

"I wasn't asking love." He says.

My heart does flip-flops at his words.

After a few minutes he returns to the room and carries me to the tub before placing me in the water gently. Before he can pull away I kiss him passionately.

"Look beautiful, you can't kiss me like that if my dick is on restriction." He says.

I just chuckle as he leaves the room.

I fall asleep in the tub and awaken when the water has turned cold. I head out to look for Jake and I find him cooking in the kitchen in nothing but his sweatpants.

"Look handsome, you can't be cooking shirtless if my vagina is on restriction." I say throwing his words back at him.

"Oh I can take it off restriction...." He begins.

"No! I may become paralyzed if we have sex one more time today." I tell him.

He pouts and it's the most adorable look I have ever seen.

"You act like we haven't had sex for days." I tell him with a chuckle.

"Hours are like days with you. Time goes by too fast. Speaking of which what are we going to do about this. Are you going to move here?" He asks and I about have a stroke at this blunt question.

"Why would I move?" I ask.

"You really want to do this long distance? We can't stay off of each for 5 minutes!" He says.

"Yeah but I can't just quit my job and move here." I tell him.

"Yes you can. Take risks. Stay with me." He says as he wraps his arms around me.

"Ok give me a little time to think about it." I tell him.

"I can do some things to convince you." He says as he trails kisses down my neck.

"This is not keeping away from me." I say.

"Ok fine. Let's go do something because if we don't leave this place, I will keep ending up in bed with you." He says.

"Let's go to dinner." I suggest.

"Sounds wonderful. I will get ready." He says. I'm

On the way to the restaurant mom calls me after reading my text about the news that James Winslow is my father. I really don't like talking about all of it especially with her but I can't ignore her forever.

"Hey mom." I answer.

"Hello Bella. Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?" She asks.

"Actually, mom you won't believe this but I ran into Jake Riley. He's a lawyer. It's a long story but we are going to dinner." I tell her hoping to end the conversation so it doesn't ruin my mood.

"Jake Riley?! Your crush?!! Oh my Gosh how exciting! Text me later and tell me everything ok? Love you." She says getting off the phone quickly.

"Little does she know I can't tell her everything we have done this last week." I say out loud as I end the call and chuckle.

"Yes. Your mother might kill me if she knows all the things I have done with and to her daughter." He says as he reaches to hold my hand.

This simple gesture makes my heart beat wildly and my breathes to quicken.

"You have to stop looking at me like that. It makes me want to grab and take you into the back of the car." He says lustfully.

"That sounds like fun but not tonight." I tell him as I squeeze his hand.

He pouts and it's adorable.

"Ok fine, let's go to dinner." He says.

I smirk as we pull into the parking lot of a nice restaurant. We park and go inside and are seated right away.

"This place is nice." I tell him.

"Yes. I have never been here. But I have heard good things." He says.

We sit there looking over the menu for a few minutes when our waitress finally comes to take our order. I haven't looked up from my menu but hear Jake clear his throat across the table. Then I hear him say something I didn't think I would ever hear again.

"Hello Tiffany."

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