Chapter 15- Catching Up On Sleep

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Bella's POV

The next few days are spent having lots of sex and snuggling up to each other. We were preparing for the time we would be apart. My mother is going to be devastated that I am leaving but I need this. I need Jake. This is going to make me happy.

But unfortunately, today is the day I have to leave to go back. The plan is to be back in 2 weeks. I already gave my work notice. I obviously am ok financially right now. I will focus on getting a job when I come back.

"I'll miss you." I tell Jake as I kiss him good bye.

"This fucking sucks." Jake pouts.

It's absolutely adorable.

"I promise I will make it up to you when I come back." I tell him.

"Just be ready. You may not be able to walk for a few days." He says as he playfully smacks my ass.

"I love you Jake Riley." I say as I kiss him one last time.

"Come back to me." He says looking pathetic.

"I promise." I tell him.

"Text me as soon as you get back." He says.

"I will. See you soon." I tell him as I walk out of his apartment and out to catch my cab.

Shortly after getting on the plane, I receive a text. Of course it's from Jake.

"I should have taken you to the airport." He writes with a sad emoji.

"Stop. We both know you would not have left. You would have gotten a ticket to get on the plane and probably gotten fired." I text him back.

"I know. This is going to be the worst two weeks of my life." He says.

"I know. For me too. It's ok. I love you and promise I'll be back." I tell him.

The texts stop after that. The plane takes off and I doze off quickly. Maybe I can catch up on my sleep while I am away?

Two hours later we touch down and it wakes me up.
I can't believe I slept the whole flight.

I text my mom and Jake to let them know I made it home safely. I let them know I am very tired and need to rest and I will call them both later.

I wake up in the middle of the night startled that I have been asleep for 7 hrs!! I look over to my phone and notice I have 3 missed called from mom and 10 from Jake. Not to mention several texts asking me if I was ok. Before I can even respond, I feel an overwhelming urge to throw up and I head to the bathroom where I empty my stomach. I should have known I was getting sick. That's why I am so tired.

I text Jake to let him know I am ok but I am sick. Almost instantly my phone rings.

"Are you ok? God I was fucking scared something happened to you?" Jake asks.

"Yes I will be fine. I have caught a bug. I will be fine in a few days. I just need to rest." I tell him.

"Ok...I will come..." he begins but I cut him off.

"No. Look I have been sick before and am a big girl and can handle myself. Plus you don't need to come here and get sick and then I have to take care of you. I will be fine. I will call you tomorrow. I promise. I love you." I tell him to reassure him.

"Alright. I love you too. Try to get some sleep." He says.

"I will." I say as I yawn and hang up.

I text my mom to let her know I am under the weather and that I will call her tomorrow.

I fall back to sleep almost instantly and I wake up the next morning around 9:00. I have never slept so much in my life! Stupid bug has taken it out of me. My stomach growls and I know I am starving. I have to try to eat something. I make some eggs and the smell instantly has me running to the bathroom. Maybe I just need to eat some toast? After having a few pieces of toast and a glass of water I feel better.

I decide to call Jake.

"I miss waking up next to you." I say as he answers.

"You have no idea. I am in the worst mood. I am pretty sure everyone at work hates me." He says.

I chuckle at his comment.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asks concerned.

"Yes. Still very tired and can only keep toast down for now." I tell him.

"If you don't feel completely better in a few days, can you please promise me you will go to the doctor?" He asks.

"I promise. But I am fine. I will let you get back to work. I love you." I tell him.

"I love you more." He says as he disconnects the call.

I let work know that I am sick and may not be back in the office for a few days. It doesn't really matter since I am leaving anyway but I wanted to try to be courteous in giving my notice that I was quitting. I decide to start packing up my apartment.

After a few hours my hungry stomach is very angry with me. I have to try to eat something. I find some chicken noodle soup and it hits the spot. I sit on the couch and decide to watch a movie around 2:00. Apparently I doze off because the next thing I know, my phone is waking me up by ringing next to me and it's 7:30! What the hell is wrong with me?

"Hey" I answer tiredly. Of course it's Jake checking up on me.

"Were you asleep again?" He asks me.

"Yeah this bug really took a lot out of me apparently." I tell him.

"God I hate this. I miss you and you are sick and I want to take care of you." He says pouting.

"I appreciate it but I will be back soon. It's all going to be ok." I tell him.

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