Filler Chapter 2: Anna Corvus

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As Lyra and the Rebene walked through the corridors of the Shula, the marble texture beneath their feet shone brightly, reflecting the nature alight shining through the magnificent stained glass windows. The vibrant hues of green and gold painted the corridor with a warm, inviting glow that seemed to beckon them towards the end of the hallway. As they walked, the corridors were lit by the flickering blue fire that danced within the golden sconces that lined the walls.

Lyra's mind was heavy with the weight of her revelation, but the ethereal beauty of the corridor brought a sense of calmness to her. She felt comforted by the intricate details of the stained glass that adorned the walls, depicting the image of the Goddess with a sun above her head and people bowing down to her in adoration.

As they reached the end of the corridor, they walked through the archway leading them outside to the Shula's cloister. The courtyard was a serene oasis, filled with the beauty of nature and the elegance of marble benches, trees, and flowers scattered everywhere. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, and the gentle sound of running water could be heard from a nearby fountain.

Lyra and the Rebene found themselves seated on one of the marble benches, surrounded by the peacefulness of the courtyard. "Rebene," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I need to talk to you about something important."

The Rebene looked up at her, his expression curious. "Of course, Lyra. What's on your mind?"

Lyra took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking. "I've been doing some research on Alex Corvus, and I've come across something that I think you should know. It seems that Alex was not born to Anna Corvus, but rather was kidnapped from the Valida Royal family."

Rebene looks at Lyra, as if he were not surprised at all. He responded with "Go on."

Lyra pressed on. "I understand that this is difficult to hear, but the records are clear. And I have to ask, Rebene, what was your relationship with Anna? Why was Alex not in her birth records?"

The Rebene's expression became serious as he hesitated, his brow furrowed as he thought about how to respond to Lyra's investigation into Alex's mother. His eyes darted away from Lyra's gaze for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. He ran a hand through his thick, gray beard, a gesture that betrayed his unease.

As Lyra continued to press him for answers, the Rebene's hesitation became more apparent. He seemed to be wrestling with conflicting emotions, his face contorting with a mix of sadness and guilt. It was clear that this was a painful topic for him, and Lyra could sense the weight of his emotions as he struggled to find the right words.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of silence, the Rebene spoke up. "Lyra, I understand your concerns. But you must understand that Anna was a dear friend of mine, and her actions were motivated by love and a desire to protect Alex. I may not have agreed with her methods, but I respected her decision and helped her cover it up."

Lyra then asked if the Royal family knew about the kidnapping.  The Rebene, with a heavy sigh, began to explain to Lyra the truth about the baby kidnapping. "Yes, the royal family knew about the baby's kidnapping. They knew that the Luminar were after their son, and they knew that they could not trust anyone, not even their own people. That's why they came up with a plan to make it look like the baby was kidnapped, but in reality, they had arranged for Anna to take care of him. She was a trusted midwife for the royal family, and they knew she would be able to keep him safe."

Lyra listened intently as the Rebene continued. "Anna was instructed to take the baby and raise him as her own, to keep him hidden from the Luminar and to keep him safe. She was promised that when the time was right, the royal family would reveal the truth to him."

Lyra nodded, understanding the weight of the Rebene's words. "I see. And what about Alex? Does he know about this as of now?"

"No," the Rebene said firmly. "And I would prefer if it stayed that way. The truth would only cause him pain, and he has already been through enough."

Lyra nodded in agreement. "I understand, Rebene. This is a delicate matter, and we need to handle it with care. I won't breathe a word of it to anyone else, for now at least. But we need to find a way to tell him eventually."

As Lyra's mind raced with the truth about Alex's past, she felt a deep sense of awe and fear. Amazed by the sheer magnitude of his hidden powers and the incredible secrets he had kept hidden for so long, she also felt a profound sense of concern for his safety and well-being. Knowing that Alex was like a little brother to her, Lyra felt a fierce sense of protectiveness over him. She feared that if he found out about his true past, he might lose trust in the people around him, including Lyra herself, which would be devastating for him. Being the one to shatter his world and leave him feeling alone and vulnerable was something she didn't want to do.

Lyra was aware of the power of grief and betrayal to turn someone's magic dark and twist their soul into something unrecognizable. Having seen it happen to others before, she didn't want it to happen to Alex. Therefore, for now, she kept his secret close to her heart, determined to do whatever it took to keep him safe and protect him from harm.

With all this information about Alex's mother, Lyra allowed her mind to absorb it all, taking in the surroundings of the cloister with all her senses. The sweet fragrance of blooming flowers permeated the air, mingling with the fresh scent of the nearby fountain's water. She closed her eyes and let the sounds of the water trickling down the fountain's tiers soothe her mind. The gentle rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds added a natural melody to the ambiance.

As she opened her eyes, Lyra's gaze wandered over the cloister's intricate details. The carved marble benches featured delicate floral motifs, while the tall pillars that surrounded the courtyard were decorated with ornate patterns that seemed to tell a story. She could see every detail in the stone carvings, from the intricate veins on the leaves to the lines on the faces of the figures.

The colorful flora in the cloister's garden was a sight to behold. Vibrant pink roses, sunny yellow daisies, and purple wisterias bloomed in harmony, forming a patchwork of colors that was simply breathtaking. Bees buzzed around the flowers, collecting pollen to bring back to their hives.

The cool breeze carried a refreshing touch as it rustled through the leaves and ruffled Lyra's hair. She could feel the coolness of the marble bench beneath her fingers, and she rubbed her hand against the smooth surface, admiring the way the light played across it. The sky was beginning to turn dusky, and the sunlight filtering through the stained glass windows now cast a warm, golden hue across the cloister, making everything around her glow.

Lyra's senses were overwhelmed with the beauty and serenity of the cloister. For a moment, she forgot the weight of the information about Venice, and allowed herself to simply enjoy the peaceful ambiance. 

Rebene observes Lyra for a moment, taking in her peaceful expression as she gazes upon the cloister. He can't help but feel a sense of curiosity and suspicion, wondering what could be weighing so heavily on her mind that it causes her to momentarily forget about the significance of Venice.

As Lyra turns to face him, Rebene sees a subtle shift in her demeanor, a look of focused determination coming over her features. He knows that she's not here just to talk about Anna and that there's something more pressing that she needs to discuss.

Despite his curiosity, Rebene maintains his composed and professional demeanor, waiting patiently for Lyra to speak. He's been in this position before, where someone has come seeking information they don't want to reveal outright, and he's learned to read between the lines and listen for what's left unsaid.

As Lyra took a deep breath to respond, she couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency about the situation in Venice. The weight of the information she had learned threatened to spill out of her. But at the same time, she knew that what she had to say to the Rebene could change everything. Rebene's stare felt like it was boring into her, as if he knew that there was something more important on her mind. Lyra hesitated for a moment, wondering whether to reveal what was truly on her mind. Would he understand the gravity of the situation in Venice? Would he believe her? She took a deep breath before responding, "Actually, there is something else that I need to discuss with you, something urgent that concerns the safety of many lives."

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