Filler Chapter 5: Trapped in Condemnation

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Lyra woke up in a dark room with her hands and feet tied together behind her back. The room had a stench of rotten bodies, making her gag. "So, you are awake," said a monotone deep voice. Lyra flinched and started yelling, "Who are you? Where am I?" She felt a gentle touch lifting her up so she could lean on the post. "Whoa, there, girl. One question at a time" said the man.

The man walked over to the windows, and opened the curtains, so they could both see each other better. "I guess I'll have to introduce myself properly. My name is Jacob." Jacob walked around the table, pulled out a chair, and straddled it. He leaned his arms on the back of the chair and leaned forward more, so he could take a good look at Lyra. 

Lyra had the audacity to spit on Jacob's face. He wiped his face and said, "Look, I am trying to be nice here." 

"Sure you are. The next thing you are going to do to me is to have me killed and hide my body deep in the woods, where no one can find it," said Lyra. Jacob started laughing at Lyra's statement. However, what is interesting about his laugh is that it's not evil, but instead, it's warm. Lyra gave Jacob a confused look rather than an angry one.

"I don't want to hurt you, Lyra," said Jacob, sending shivers down her spine.

"Why?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"I find you quite intriguing," Jacob replied. Lyra couldn't help but blush at the unexpected compliment.

Before she could ask any more questions, Jacob continued, "I suppose you have questions for me. I do know that you've been spying on Venice for quite a while now, so I won't hold you any longer. And after you answer my questions, I suppose I can let you leave."

Lyra's anger bubbled to the surface. "Why? What are your plans?" she demanded.

"That is not for me to tell, but for you to find out," Jacob replied with a sly smirk.

Lyra hesitated for a moment but knew she had no other choice but to cooperate. "What kind of game?" she asked.

"It's a five-question game. I ask first, then you answer, then you ask a question, and then I answer yours. Does this make sense?" Jacob explained.

Lyra nodded, her mind racing with all the questions she wanted to ask. She knew this game could be her ticket to freedom, but she also knew that Jacob, the mysterious man held all the cards.

"Alright Jacob, I understand. I guess I will give you the honors to ask me a question first since it was your idea." 

Jacob let out a frustrated huff, the sound echoing through the abandoned shack they were in. His dark eyes glared at Lyra as he asked his first question, his voice stern and demanding. "What is your purpose of spying on Venice?"

Lyra hesitated, her mind racing with the potential consequences of her answer. She knew the safety of her friend Alex hung in the balance, and she had to tread carefully. But Jacob's voice grew stricter, leaving her no choice but to answer. "I am spying on Venice because I learned she is involved in illicit activities," she finally replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jacob looked dissatisfied with her response, his expression darkening. "That will do for now. Now it is your turn to ask a question," he said, his tone curt.

Lyra took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before asking, "How long have you been working with Venice?"

"We have been working with her for a couple of years," Jacob replied evenly. Lyra couldn't help but feel a sense of shock at the revelation, wondering how deep Venice's web of deceit truly went.

"So you've been planning this all along?!" Lyra exclaimed, her voice rising in disbelief.

"Ah-ah-ah," Jacob pointed his finger, silencing her. "It's my turn, sweetheart," he continued with a teasing lilt, causing Lyra to flush in embarrassment at the endearment.

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