good news

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Enids POV:

It has been one week since Wednesday found out she was pregnant.

Today we are going to the Addams house, Tyler was driving. Ajax and i were eating chips while watching a movie.

The Addams house was 2 hours away from jericho, we stopped at a gas station to buys some foods and drinks.

"Hurry up, we gotta go." Tyler said, we got back in the car and continue driving.

~1 hour later~

"Enid, wake up we're here" ajax said while I slowly open my eyes, we got out of the car and head to the Addam's house.

Wednesday knocked three times and waited for someone to open the door.

Pugsley opened it, "Wednesday!!"    Pugsley said and hugged her.

"Wheres mom?" Wednesday asked "well.. they had gone on a date" Pugsley said.

Pugsley let us in and we sat down on their couch, "U guys have an amazing house" I said. We waited for Wednesday's parents to come home so Wednesday and Tyler could tell them the good news.

Narrator's POV:

A couple minutes later Wednesday's parents were home "Oh, hey dear we didn't know you were going here" Morticia said "well.. Me and Tyler have some good news." Wednesday said. Morticia and Gomez sat down, "so Wedns.. whats the good news??" Pugsley asked.

"I am pregnant.." Wednesday said and stayed silent "oh, that's amazing dear" Morticia said.

"My little death trapis going to be a mother." Gomez said and cried. "Honey, dont cry she's building herself a family" Morticia said wiping Gomez's tears away.

Wednesday, Tyler, Enid and Ajax were staying in the Addam's house for the Christmas.

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