Chapter 25

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"How long are we staying out here, Cupid?" Phalen asked.

"I don't know. Steppson's been tied up with the Valley-Steele fiasco. Oswall Buck has found a piece of tantalizing dirt, and he's clinging to it for all he's worth. I hear his radio broadcast audiences are up twenty percent. And he's raking in the dough like crazy. There's been some trouble on the set with Steppson's new picture, 'The Witch and the Tramp.' A man was killed. Two others were injured badly."

"From what I've seen of Steppson," said Phalen, "that kind of thing will only prove to be a minor delay in production."

"You have the vernacular down pat," said Flix.

"Monrova rubbed off on me that much," he said. "She's making herself scarcer than a mountain lion in the Bronx. I guess she's found someone else who has struck her fancy."

"There are other fishes," said Flix.

"Um," said Phalen. "You're always saying that when you don't like my latest beau."

"Beau? Monrova?"

"You're right," said Phalen. "But it was fun while it lasted."

"And dangerous."

"That, too," said Phalen.

"Anyway," said Flix, "Steppson's being pretty vague. Too much on his plate, I suppose. Even for him. Besides, I think he wants to see if you and I can wrap up this Kimball murder. He seemed very excited when I mentioned that we were assisting the police while on our stay."

Flix pointed to his forehead.

"How's it doing, by the way?"

"It's scabbing over nicely," said Flix. "I'm going to be left with a nice souvenir of our trip to Hollywood, I think."

"Don't worry," said Phalen. "It will just add to your ruggedness."

"Umm," said Flix.

"I'm going to see if I can locate Johnny Kimball," said Phalen. "If I can get Emory to loan me a car, I plan to be gone most of the day. What are your plans?"

"I have to stay around here in case I am summoned by Alfred the Great," said Flix. "He said he might have me come over and finalize some things. If he can work it into his schedule."

"Don't count on it," said Phalen.

"I won't," said Flix.

Phalen left to find Emory. There was nothing much to do but drink coffee and read the morning edition.

"Good Lord," Flix muttered. "They are throwing DaneValley under the bus!"

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