Chapter 31

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"Look at him," Tom Steele said.

The cowboy was seated next to Flix.

"Who," Flix said.

"Steppson. He doesn't believe that dope was Dane's anymore than I do," Tom said. "He's afraid. That's all."

Tom took another long drink from his wine glass.

"Of Buck?" ask Flix.

"Hell, no." Tom belched. "He's afraid because Dane was seeing Reed Kimball."

Flix almost dropped his fork.

"You know, padnah," Tom continued, "somebody once said this town was as closely knit as an incestuous sweater. Them skeins of yarn used to knit that thing all came out of the same knitting basket, if you know what I'm saying. That's true to a great extent. We ain't blood kin, but our lives are all mixed up with each other, one way or another."

"Were they serious?" Flix asked.


"Dane and Kimball," said Flix.

"She was. Maybe. Hard to say," said Tom. "Dane's a nice girl. Doesn't kiss and tell. But Kimball was a love 'em and leave 'em kinda guy. A real louse. You know what I mean?"

"I'd heard similar sentiments about him," said Flix.

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