Chapter 10

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Flix and Phalen had been instructed to dress for dinner. There was going to be a party. Not a party in their honor, although some nod would be given to them during the night, but a party for the sake of partying. Apparently, these large bashes were the norm at the estate.

"I think we look rather swank in our new jackets, Cupid," Phalen said, entering the room with a flourish.

"I'm just glad the tailor finished mine in time," said Flix. "I told him to leave me a bit of shoulder room, but as you can see, this thing's a perfect fit."

"Oh, Cupid," Phalen said, "Sam just wants you to look nice. You know that every garment he makes is a testament to his craft. I'm glad he ignored your request. You would have looked like a palooka straight out of the corn patch."

"Maybe you're right," said Flix. "Sam has only my best interests at heart. His work is first-rate, and he did a swell job on this tux."

"Yes, he did," said Phalen. "And you look like a million bucks. Which reminds me, aren't you just eaten up with curiosity to see what our hostess looks like?"

"According to Emory," said Flix, "she's the bomb."

"Exactly," said Phalen. "But look at Emory. What kind of bomb are we taking here? Thith ith a mythtery I can't wait to tholve."

"Don't be cruel," said Flix. "When I was a boy, I had a stutter. I went through hell to rid myself of it."

"You're right, old man," said Phalen. "I do apologize. But I still can't wait to see if Mr. Steppson's wife is as gorgeous as Emory implied."

"I'm looking forward to seeing her, myself," said Flix. "But I only think I'll get my chance while we eat. Steppson is supposed to discuss the details of our deal more thoroughly after dinner. I'm glad he was tied up at his studio earlier. I was tired from the journey."

"Being cooped up on a railcar is murder," said Phalen. "That swim was the ticket for me. But that water was lots warmer than I expected it to be. Sort of a shock."

"Blame it on the California sun," said Flix.

"Might as well," said Phalen. "I think I cooked myself a bit courtesy of that sun while taking those laps, too."

"Well," said Flix, "perhaps the beautiful Mrs. Steppson will overlook your ruddy complexion. You do look a little on the cooked side."

"Charred is a better description," said Phalen. "But I'll live. By tomorrow, this redness will have toned down to a mellow brown."

"Come on, Mr. Mellow Brown," Flix said, "we don't want to be late for dinner."

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