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" "  LOWERMOONS I  " "

THE sound of a biwa rang in your ears as you felt yourself falling, soon landing on the floor of a familiar fortress.

You glance around to see yourself next to Nakime, the biwa woman strangely focused.

She strings her biwa once again, your vision becoming blurry for a split second before another figure appears decently far away.

His hair was black and orange, his pale white skin decorated with blue marking on his face.

He gasps, sharp teeth becoming noticeable as his eyes widen, blue iris's with Kanji engraved on one eye.

Nakime strings her biwa twice, two other figures appearing.

One had a dazed expression on their face, mostly black hair that was blue or pink in some parts.

The other has golden yellow eyes with a beard, cracks running down his face as if he were a porcelain doll that got damaged.

Is this her blood demon art.. and— one of them is a human?! The space around them is all distorted! The thoughts ran through the black-orange haired man's head like wildfire, confused on what was happening.

You notice eyes on you as you glance back to the black-orange haired man with a frown, him flinching once your eyes landed on him.

Nakime strings her biwa twice once again, two more people appearing, one with three 'X' shaped scars on his face, the other a girl with while hair and horn on her head. Her sclera's were red rather than white with her iris's being a light blue.

They're... all the lowermoons...? Is this because lower five, Rui, was killed? You frown at the lowermoons in thought, not noticing the black-orange haired man panicking.

Nakime strings her biwa loudly, your vision going black for a moment before you were suddenly in another place, the five lowermoons infront of the two of you as they look around in panic.

You feel a presence next to you, glancing up to see a raven haired woman with red eyes.

Muzan? Why would he be in that form now of all times?

"Lower your heads, and kneel down." He demands, glaring down at the lowermoons as they gasp, "Prostrate yourselves."

They all immediately bow toward the demon progenitor.

Sweat rolls down lower six's face, That's master Muzan's voice. I didn't recognize him at all! Even his aura is completely different. His disguise is astounding!

"Lower forgive us, master!" Lower four apologizes.

Not a smart idea, Muzan's thought process is that you need his permission to evens breath in his presence.

"Since you've assumed a different form, we—" Lower four gets cut off by Muzan.

"Who gave you permission to speak? Don't presume your thoughts are of any worth to me. All you are allowed to do is answer my questions." He glowers at them, eyes narrowing in distaste.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐒 ; demon slayerWhere stories live. Discover now