Our Story Begins

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OC Outfit

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OC Outfit

It was eve of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the year her majesty's government came to the very brink of disaster. She...We're getting a little ahead of ourselves here. Let's begin where the real story takes place, at the headquarters of the mouse division of Scotland Yard and over to one of our main characters, Scotland Yard's best detective, Lena Ashwyn.

She sighed tiredly as she placed the case file down on her desk. She had just finished up the paperwork and was looking forward to heading home for the night. She deserved it after working her tail off in order to catch this crook.Lena had always been a hardworking mouse. 

Her black fur was a little ruffled along with her long black hair that she had done up in a neat bun. As she fixed a stray strand behind her ear and rubbed her tired green eyes, she noticed an older looking mouse and a young girl enter the building. The girl looked like she had been crying for some time while the older gentleman seemed a little lost.

Putting on a sweet and comforting smile, she walked over to the two of them and asked, "Do you need any help?"

Her voice was soft with her delicate British accent soothing both of them. The older man lifted his hat in greeting and she noticed the torn cuff of his jacket that had been sewn back together, with a stitch known to be mainly used by surgeons.

"Evening, Miss. I am Dr David Q. Dawson," So, he is a doctor, "I found this girl alone on the streets of London and we came here to ask for help. She is looking for someone in Baker Street and I've been away for some time so I've sort of forgotten my way around the city. We were hoping a police officer could assist us in the matter."

Lena mentally frowned at the mention of 'Baker Street'. She hoped upon on all hope that they weren't looking for him...

"Well, I'm Detective Ashwyn and I'm here to offer any kind of assistance that you may require. Who might you be looking for so I might send you in the right direction?"

This time the young girl spoke up, her Scottish accent filled with sorrow as she handed over a newspaper clipping. "My daddy was taken yesterday and I'm looking for a detective in Baker Street to help me find him."

Lena frowned at the headline on the newspaper clipping. 'Famous Detective solves baffling disappearance'. She didn't need to read the rest to know that the person the young girl was looking for was the amazing Basil of Baker Street. The incredible and annoying pain in her neck.

Testing her luck, she spoke up, "What is your name, my dear?"

"Olivia Flaversham."

"Listen, Olivia. Scotland Yard holds some of the best detectives in all of London. Yes, Basil may be the greatest but he doesn't just take any old case. I'd be happy to personally- "

"But my daddy could be hurt or worse! Who knows what that horrible bat is doing to him!"

Lena's eyes widened at the mention of a 'bat'. In fact, her breathing stopped for a moment as she asked, "A bat took your father?"

"Yes, a real horrible bat. With a scratchy voice and a peg leg."

Lena wanted to ram her head into the wall. Fidget. The disgusting little minion to the most depraved mind in all of London. Professor Ratigan.

She had numerous case files open on the fiend and for years she had wanted nothing more than to lock him away for good. He was the scourge of London, a wickedly clever rat, and the man who had murdered many a good and innocent mouse - including her former partner.

The only problem with the case was that there was another detective on it. Practically the leading expert in all things that concerned that rat. The only detective that had gotten closer than any other to catching Ratigan, which meant that he had more information on the fiend and was the leading investigator in catching Ratigan. The famous Basil of Baker Street.

Lena dreaded going over to his home. Basil may have been a brilliant and sharp detective but he knew that fact all to well. It made working with him feel like a punishment to poor Lena and she wanted nothing more than to leave him out of this whole situation. However, she would do anything to put Ratigan behind bars, even if it meant teaming up with the arrogant mouse once more.

With a sigh of annoyance, she looked at the doctor and Olivia. "This is your lucky day. We're heading over to the great Basil of Baker Street."

The two smiled at one another, happy that Olivia was going to get an amazing detective on her case. However, their joy somewhat subsided when they heard what Lena added.


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