Meeting Toby

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Not long after, the small group of mice found themselves upstairs, inside the human dwelling that was Basil's home. Coincidentally, it also just so happened to be the home of the famous Sherlock Holmes. Basil peeked out of his secret passage to see if the coast was clear. However, Olivia pushed open the passage's door further and Basil gave her an annoyed glare.

"Not a word out of you. Is that clear?"

Olivia and Lena shushed him as two shadows approached – Sherlock Holmes and Watson. Basil quickly moved the doorway to hide them from view, leaving a small crack open. The two humans talked for a bit before exiting the house, leaving it free for the mice to roam in peace. 

As they looked around, Basil began calling out to his mysterious friend, "Toby? Toby?"

Olivia tugged on Dawson's coat and whispered in his ear, "Who is Toby?"

"Well my dear, Toby is...well, he's uh, uh..."

Olivia waited for an answer as Dawson stumbled for one. He was actually just as clueless as she was so he turned to Lena.

"I say Miss Ashwyn, who is this Toby chap?"

Before Lena could answer, thundering footsteps approached them and she narrowed her eyes slightly at an adorable basset hound puppy. The puppy towered over all of them, and it was obvious he was excited to see Basil. 

"Ahh! Here he is now!" Basil smiled as he pushed Dawson forward as Toby leaned down to stare at the new mouse. "Dawson, Toby."

Dawson nervously tipped his hat and patted Toby's nose. "Charmed, I'm sure."

However, that didn't seem to please Toby as he began to growl at Dawson. He sprinted off, frightened by the dog, while Basil rushed forward and pushed Toby away.

"Now Toby! Toby, stop that! Toby, cease! Desist! Ha!" Basil turned to Dawson, who was now trembling behind the leg of a chair, and explained, "Frightfully sorry, old man. Toby has the most splendid sense of smell of any hound I've trained. But he can be deucedly frisky."

"That's an understatement." Lena moaned while Toby turned and glared at her.

"Oh come now. You're just upset that he doesn't like you, Lena."

"Detective Ashwyn!"

At her outburst, Toby began to growl at her as well, going into a crouching position as he did. Lena turned to give him a blank stare. This wasn't anything new for the dog and mouse. Toby had never liked her. And, in retaliation, she didn't like him back.

His growling continued on for a bit before Lena got annoyed and outright shouted, "Oh shut it!"

This startled Toby, making his eyes go wide and he quickly scrambled away from her. She rolled her eyes as Basil chuckled at her. Her cheeks heated up slightly at the sound and she grumpily turned away while Toby sniffed around, soon finding Olivia hiding behind a footrest. She cautiously looked out from her hiding spot and smiled up at the dog, who curiously sniffed her.

"Hello, Toby!" She petted his nose as he sniffed her once more. "Silly doggy! Would you like a crumpet?"

Toby nodded happily as Olivia reached into her coat pocket. She held up a crumpet for him and he eagerly licked it off her hand. She giggled at this while Basil was ready to leave and reached into his pocket for the hat.

"Here now, Toby? Toby! To the matter at hand. I want you to- "

He turned to face Toby but the dog wasn't listening to him. He was enjoying a belly rub from Olivia while Dawson and Lena watched on. Basil huffed in annoyance making Lena give him a self-satisfied look, as if relishing the fact that he wasn't in control of the situation - which she was. He glared slightly at her, his cheeks burning a little, and whistled to get Toby's attention The dog rolled his head back to see him clearing his throat and tapping his foot. Olivia slid off Toby into Dawson's arms and Toby rolled back onto his feet, to face Basil. 

"Good. Now Toby! Toby, I want you to find this fiend!" Basil whipped out Fidget's hat and Toby started to growl. Basil barked and growled along with Toby to drill the dog into searching for the little pest, even getting on all-fours which made Lena chuckle a little. "Yes, you know his type. A villain. A scoundrel! Low brow. Close set eyes. Broken wing." Toby paused at that last bit and looked at Basil confused. "Oh, he's a peg-legged bat with a broken wing."

This made Toby start to growl again.

"Yes! Yes! That's the spirit! Got his scent?"

Toby nodded happily and Basil retrieved his leash.

"Good boy, good boy!" He turned to attach the leash to Toby's collar but he was turned around, smiling at Olivia. He groaned in annoyance as he moved in front of the easily-distracted dog. "Miss Flamchester!"

"Flaversham!" Olivia, Dawson and Lena corrected exasperatedly.

"Whatever. Your father is as good as found." He hooked the leash on Toby's collar. "Toby." The dog struck a pointer pose, ready to bolt after Fidget's trail. "Sic 'em!"

As Toby rushed out, he accidentally stomped on his master, making Lena wince slightly. The dazed detective stumbled slightly as Lena cautiously made her way over to him.

"Basil, are you- "

She didn't get to finish as he suddenly grasped her waist in order to steady himself. However, he still had a hold on Toby's leash, which caused them to be pulled away, their feet not even on the floor as they whizzed along.

"Ah-ha! Yoinks! Tally ho! Ha-ha! Ha-ha!"

"Basil!" Lena yelled out in fear and frustration, wrapping her arms around him in the process as Olivia and Dawson rushed after the pair, trying to catch up. 

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