Inside Big Ben

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Inside the clock tower, Basil awoke and rubbed his neck, then stared in shock and amazement at the gears and cogs surrounding him. A groan sounded near him and he peered down to see Lena slowly coming to, just a few feet away from him.

"Lena!" He hurried over to her side, dropping to his knees to help her up. 

Creeping up unnoticed behind them was Ratigan, his left fist poised, ready to knock Basil down, while the other hand was clamped over Olivia's mouth. The little girl struggled in his grasp, managing to pull his hand off her.

"Basil, look out!"

Basil turned just as Ratigan knocked him down. Basil rolled and caught the ends of the rotating gear, trying to pull himself back up.

"Basil!" Lena rushed over, trying to pull him back onto the gear.

But Ratigan also made his way over, ready to knock them both over the edge. Olivia bit his hand, making Ratigan scream in pain, which gave Lena the opportunity to finally help Basil all the way up the gear. Basil acted fast and seized the professor's cape, tangling it between two gears.

Ratigan dropped Olivia to hold onto his cape, to keep from getting strangled, but succeeded in kicking her off the gear. She fell, landing on a much larger gear, connected to another one that was going to crush her in a matter of seconds.

Thinking quickly, Basil and Lena jumped from the gear and onto a lever, which lifted up a chain towards the young girl. Basil held onto the chain with one hand while his other arm was wrapped around Lena's waist, who snatched Olivia into her arms just before the final cog could flatten her. They all smiled at one another as the chain continued to lift them to the top of the tower.

Down below, Ratigan's face was filled with anger as he watched the trio make their escape, with Olivia firmly clasped in Lena's arms, and his sanity snapped. With a burst of strength, he tore his cape in half, freeing himself. He was now no longer the egotistical and poised gentleman, but was now a full blown, monstrous rat. 

Basil and Lena stopped at a hole at the top of the tower, trapped and the rain had picked up. But soon, Olivia tugged on Lena's top and pointed to Dawson and her father, who were approaching them. Lena quickly lifted Olivia up into the air, holding her up for one of the men to grab her. Dawson was holding Flaversham by his apron as the toy-maker was leaning forward as far as he could, trying to reach Olivia.

"Closer, Dawson! Closer!" Lena begged.

She tried to lift Olivia as high as she could but the men were still too far off to reach her.

"Daddy, I can't reach! I can't reach!"

Lena tried to move a little further when her waist was suddenly seized and she was lifted up as well. She looked down to see Basil trying to get them closer to the men and Olivia could just barely touch her father's hand.

Basil turned just in time to see Ratigan leap forward to tackle him. The two toppled downward, taking Lena with them. But, before she toppled down, she tossed Olivia into the air, and she was caught by her father, who pulled her to safety. 

Meanwhile, Lena, Basil and Ratigan were falling down the top top of the tower. Basil tried to grasp on to something to stop him from falling, but between the rain and Ratigan's weight, he could't get a good grip. They all separated as they fell down the face of the clock. Mid-fall, Ratigan grabbed Basil again, and they hit the hour hand, with Lena nearly falling off but she managed to grab onto the edge of the hand and pulled herself up. Basil was sent flying across and landed with his upper body laying over the edge.

He opened his eyes and quickly scrambled up the hand after noticing the deathly drop that lay below, planting his back against the raised part of the hour's hand. Lena soon made her way back up on top of the hand, panting on her hands and knees, while Ratigan was nowhere in sight. 

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