Toy Store Mayhem

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"Gotcha!" Fidget happily declared as he stuffed poor Olivia in his bag.

Basil started rushing ahead upon hearing Olivia's screams, and Lena and Dawson soon followed him.

"Quickly, Lena! Doctor!"

They quickly changed direction as a large Ferris wheel toy rolled towards them.

"Ah, ya, ah! Look out!"

They leapt out of they runaway toy's way and onto an Around the World path toy. A large doll was falling right over them, and they ran for their lives, but only moved the paper path below their feet. Just as the doll was about to crush them, they reached the end of the path and were able to leap off just as the doll broke. A piece of the porcelain doll's face rolled towards Dawson, its eye blinking at him.

Basil rushed by but Fidget had wound up a toy jouster, which moved towards them with an outstretched spear. Basil was able to leap on a trumpet above him and Lena narrowly avoided getting pierced by jumping out of the way. However, the jousting spear caught Dawson by his jacket and he was hurled towards a dart board and pinned to it.

Basil looked behind him, to see what had happened to his companions when his head was smashed between the cymbals of the firemen band music box toy from earlier - the one that Olivia had turned on. Basil, disoriented by the event, stumbled over to a pile of marbles and tripped over them, causing them to scatter. Several marbles flew towards Lena and Dawson. Lena expertly dodged each of the colourful orbs that came her way but Dawson wasn't so lucky; one hitting him on his head. Lena looked towards Fidget and saw that he was making his way to the window.

Fidget laughed, thinking he was victorious as he waved at the group. "Bye-bye." He opened the window and was about to leave but was nearly eaten by Toby, who barked at him from the exit. Fidget quickly slammed the window shut and climbed up the cash register and back onto the shelves.

Basil regained consciousness and was once again on the bat's tail with Lena not too far behind. They jumped onto a spring horse, Lena holding onto Basil, and used it to jump from shelf to shelf.

"Stop, you fiend!"

They reached the top shelf and hopped off the horse at the base of a large pyramid of building blocks. On opposite sides, the two detectives and Fidget raced and climbed to the top. Fidget made a leap at the top and was lucky enough to catch the ledge of the open sky roof. Basil tried to leap for him but he missed. As a result, the blocks tumbled and came crashing down, taking Basil and Lena down with them. 

Fidget chuckled evilly and threw the tied sack on top of the roof and climbed out.

"Help! Mister Basil, Miss Lena, help! Help!" Olivia's muffled screams came from the bag, desperately trying to call for help.

Unfortunately, the only one to hear her cries was Fidget. He slung the bag over his shoulder, hopping from roof to roof, back towards Ratigan's lair as he happily said in a singsong voice, "I got the gears, I got the tools, I got the uniforms, I got the girl, heh-heh-heh-heh!"


Back inside the toy store, Dawson managed to free himself and was searching for Basil and Lena.

"Basil! Miss Ashwyn! Basil! Miss Ashwyn!"

"I'm over here, Dawson!" Came Lena's voice. He went over to see her bottom half stuck in a toppled over pile of toys, trying to pull herself out with no success. "Care to give me a hand?"

He ran over, grabbing her hand and helped her out. She dusted herself off, a sigh escaping her lips as she looked around.

"Now, where's Basil?"

Just then, they heard the sound of a doll repeatedly saying 'Mama'. They made their way around a few toys and discovered Basil tangled up in a doll's pull string, furiously trying to untie himself. They rushed over to him, Lena climbing on top of a plush bear nearby to try and help get Basil down.

"Basil!" Dawson sighed, "Olivia-she's- "

"She's gone, Dawson!" Basil exclaimed furiously. "Confound it! I told you to watch over the girl!" Lena pulled one part of the string, causing the rest of it to unravel and Basil fell to the ground. He quickly stood up and his temper grew. "Now she's been spirited away by that maniacal little monster. Soon to be in the clutches of the most depraved mind in all of London! I should have known better than to- " 

He stopped mid-rant as Lena bumped his shoulder and he turned to face her. She glared at him as she pointed over to Dawson, who was simply standing there, his back turned, and his head hung sadly. "Than to..." He felt guilty, not really meaning to bring down the doctor and slowly made his way over to him. "Um, eh Dawson? Dawson? I say, Dawson, old chap?"

Dawson sniffled and wiped his face with his handkerchief. "Oh, ah, poor girl. I should have watched her more closely."

"Don't worry, old fellow. It's not...entirely hopeless. We'll get her back."

"Do-do you think there's a chance?"

"There's always a chance, Doctor." Lena stated as she placed a comforting hand on the doctor's shoulder. 

Basil nodded as he lit his pipe. "As long as one can think."

Basil began to pace around and Dawson sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. A puzzled expression crossed his face as he pulled out the list he had found earlier, and started reading from it.

"Get the following: tools, gears..."

Lena raised an eyebrow as she turned to face him. Noticing the list, she looked over the doctor's shoulder. Basil also heard him and quickly turned around.


"Girl..." Lena read on, starting to figure out it was a list written up for Fidget. She was very familiar with Ratigan's hand-writing - he had left enough self-righteous and smug notes to her and Basil, for her to know it well.

"Unif-" Before Dawson could finish, Basil swiped the list from him, reading over it for a second, becoming overjoyed at the piece of evidence. "Dawson, you've done it! This list is precisely what we need."


Lena smirked as she made her way in front of Basil, crossing her arms as she raised a teasing eyebrow. "You have an idea, Basil?"

"You know I do, Lena." Before she could correct him, he grabbed her wrist and quickly made his way back over to the window, with Dawson trailing behind them. "Quickly, back to Baker Street!"

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