Salt Water?

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Back at Ratigan's lair, Flaversham was working on the robot. He tensed up as Ratigan entered the workroom, a smug look on his face.

"Ah, Mr Flaversham." Ratigan held up his cape dramatically. "Allow me to present your charming daughter." Ratigan then moved his cape to reveal Olivia in Fidget's grasp.



Olivia tried to rush into her father's arms but was held back by Fidget. She stomped angrily on his only foot, making Fidget let go of her and hop around in pain.

"Owww! My foot, my only foot!"

Olivia rushed into her father's arms and he hugged her tightly.

"Oh Father! I thought I'd never find you."

"Oh, there, there, there, there, my bairn." Flaversham comforted her. "I'm all right. Oh, I was so worried about my little girl."

"Oh, how sweet." Ratigan pretended to wipe at his eyes with his handkerchief. "Oh, I just love tearful reunions. Now, come along, my dear."

He grabbed Olivia, pulling her away from her father. Flaversham tried to hold on but it was no  use. 

"Oh please! Please! Father!" She cried as Fidget dragged her away.

"Olivia! Oh please, professor!" Flaversham pleaded to the rat that held him up by the straps of his apron.

"Now, now, Fidget will take good care of her. That is, as long as we have no further delays!" Ratigan threatened before dropping Flaversham back onto his feet.

He fearfully returned to work on the robot, grabbing a wrench as he stuttered out, "Yes, yes, I-I'll finish it. Oh, just don't hurt my daughter."

"Remember, it must be ready tonight!"

Meanwhile, Fidget was carrying Olivia towards an empty glass bottle lying on its side. He held her up to the opening as she struggled to get out of his hold.

"Stop! Let me go! You ugly old thing!"

He pushed her through the opening before placing in a cork after, making sure she couldn't get out. She stood up, smacking her hands against the glass.

"Help! Let me out! Let me out!"

"See how you like that!" Fidget gloated as he blew a raspberry at her before strutting away, back towards Ratigan, who was looking through the bag Fidget had brought back with him.

"Ah, the uniforms. Oh Fidget, I knew I could rely on you. Now, you didn't forget anything?"

"No problem. I took care of everything. Everything on the list."

But, as he opened his wing to display the list, he realised it was missing and frantically searched his pocket for it. "Uh-oh..."

"What's wrong?"

Fidget began to panic as he patted himself down and said, "The list...I know..."

Ratigan became more impatient with him as he growled out, "Where's the list?"

"The list, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well you see, uh, it was like this. I was in the toy store getting uniforms when I heard 'A-roo A-roo'." Fidget got down on all fours trying to mimic Toby but he wasn't being very clear.

"You're not coming through." Ratigan muttered, getting more annoyed.

"A dog came. I ran. I had baby bonnet, girl in bag, and Basil and Lena, they chased me."

Hearing that last piece of information, Ratigan became infuriated. "What? Basil on the case? And he has that no good Detective Ashwyn tagging along! Why you gibbering little-"

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