The Rat Trap

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Lena's outfit up top.

Toby was sitting on the pier, looking down below him as Basil whispered up to him softly, "Stay Toby, stay."

Basil then walked off along the bottom of the pier. He was disguised as a sailor with a fake mustache and was approaching the front door to a pub called The Rat Trap.

"Uh, Basil?" A cautious Dawson called from the shadows. 

Basil pulled out a cigarette to use as part of his cover as he turned to where Dawson's voice sounded. "Come, come, Dawson."

"I feel utterly ridiculous."

"Don't be absurd. You look perfect."

Dawson stepped out in a pirate disguise with a bandana, an earring, an eye patch, and a stripped shirt - though it was much too short for his liking. He tried to tuck it into his pants with no luck.

"Perfect? Perfectly foolish!"

"Oh, come now, Dawson." Lena sighed, stepping out from the shadows as well. "Just get in to the spirit of it. It's really not that bad."

As she messed up her long black hair, giving it a more disheveled look, Basil couldn't help but stare. The white blouse and short black skirt she wore somehow suited her perfectly. The black corset she wore around her waist didn't make her look worse either - along with the long, heeled, black leather boots. Her disguise had been an old one that he had found lying around, in fact it was from one of their earlier cases together. He had forgotten how good she looked in the outfit.

He found himself blushing but let out a curt cough as he opened the door to the pub. It certainly was a seedy pub, in every sense of the word, where clearly every lowlife in London had gathered. The mice were all either smoking, playing poker, or drinking at the bar. Some were even passed out from the amount of alcohol they've drunk or had some kind of weapon that they were fiddling with.

A mouse was playing the piano as an octopus onstage was performing a juggling act while tap dancing. The barmaid was tickling a patron under his chin, but when he puckered his lips for a kiss, she punched him so hard that he flew from his chair. 

Basil lit his cigarette before whispering to Dawson, "Dawson stay close and do as I do."

They walked in, Lena looking around at everyone suspiciously while Basil stuffed his hands in his pockets, which Dawson copied as he took Basil's words way too literally. Basil signaled the bar tender for service as he walked over to a table. Dawson copied his movements, which just made him look weird and caused Lena to sigh.

She really did like Dawson but if they were caught, it would most likely be because of him. The bar patrons were already eyeing them suspiciously. 

A knife suddenly landed at the floor in Dawson's path, and he stumbled back, knocking a woman's chair in the process.

"Ah! Oh, I do beg your pardon, Madam." Dawson apologized profusely but was cut off as she blew smoke in his face, laughing along with a few others as he started coughing.

Basil left Lena's side to go help him and that was when an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her into a chest. She looked up to see an obviously drunk mouse staring at her with dangerously suggestive eyes.

"Come on, love. How's about yous gives me a little kiss?" He slurred, making a kissy face at her.

She glared at him in disgust before pulling her fist back and hitting him square in the jaw. He immediately fell to the floor unconscious and she stepped over him as if he were a dirty puddle. But, as she was about to walk away, another hand grabbed her wrist, pulling her back and revealing another disgusting-looking mouse - who looked really angry.

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