The End

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A day passed and the small group were gathered inside Basil's home. On Basil's mantle was a newspaper clipping with a picture of the Queen along with Basil, Lena and Dawson. The headline read 'Queen Honours Detectives. Medals to be Given.' 

"To be thanked by the Queen herself." Dawson mused, sighing in content. "Oh how very thrilling. Hey, Basil? Lena?"

Basil smiled as he placed Ratigan's bell on the mantle as well. "All in a day's work, Doctor."

"I don't know. It was nice and all but I would have liked to be granted a vaction. Do you know how much paperwork awaits me back at Scotland Yard?" Lena moaned as she walked over to Basil's side, resting her head on his shoulder.

He chuckled as he wrapped an arm over her shoulder, bringing her closer. "I know you can get through it, Lena."

"Doesn't mean I want to..."

Olivia stood by them, peering up at Dawson as she said, "Oh, Dr Dawson, you were wonderful."

He chuckled bashfully at her words while both Lena and Basil nod in agreement.

"So were you Lena. And of course Basil too."

"Indeed." Her father nodded before glancing over at his pocket watch. His eyes widened when he noticed the time. "Oh, my, we're late to catch our train. Come along, Olivia."

"Yes, Father." She hugged Lena tightly before moving over to hug Basil. "Goodbye, Lena. Goodbye, Basil. I-I'll never forget you." She said, sniffling a little in sadness.

"Nor I you, Miss...Miss Flangerhanger."

Her eyes widened but a smile soon graced her lips as she shook her head, not bothering to correct him this time. Lena rolled her eyes at him before sending a small smile to Olivia.

"Whatever." She sighed, making Dawson chuckle and nod in agreement.

"Goodbye, Dr Dawson."

"Goodbye, my dear."

Olivia rushed over to the door to meet up with her father but stopped as she turned back one last time and whispered, "Goodbye." Then, she left.

"Well um..." Basil piped up, glancing over at Lena and Dawson, "Not a bad little girl, actually."

"Not at all." Dawson agreed.

Lena chuckled as she stared up at Basil, lacing her fingers with his. "Hmmm, yeah. Kind of makes you want one of your own, huh?" Basil spluttered at her response, trying to control his shock while Lena chuckled and leaned up to give his cheek a kiss. "Calm down, detective. You know I was only teasing."

"Never do that again." Basil coughed, his cheeks flushing red while Lena leaned into his side.

"I'm so glad you two finally got together. I was worried when neither of you wanted to admit anything." He chuckled before sighing, grabbing his hat and coat. "Well, it's time I was on my way, too."

"You're leaving, Dawson?" 

"But...But I thought..." Basil tried to say something but the words didn't seem to want to come out.

"Well, the case is over. Perhaps it's...well, perhaps it's best I found my own living quarters."

"I'll miss you, Dawson." Lena sighed, looking over at Basil sadly. She knew he didn't want the doctor to leave either.

"But..." Just then a knock sounded at the door, making Basil pause and sigh in annoyance. "Now who could that be?"

Dawson opened the door to reveal a lady mouse, with a hat on her head and a very upset look on her face, as she asked, "Is this the home of the famous Basil of Baker Street?"

"Indeed it is, Miss." Dawson stated happily before noticing her sad expression. "You look as if you're in some trouble."

"Oh, I am! I am!" 

"Then you've come to precisely the right place." Lena stated as she and Basil made their way over to the woman.

Giving Basil a nudge, he smirked as he placed an arm around Dawson's shoulders. "Ah! Allow me to introduce my trusted associate, Dr Dawson, with whom I do all my cases. Isn't that right, Doctor?"

Dawson was stunned as he looked up at Basil. "Wha...What?" Basil held out his hand and Dawson smiled as he shook it. "Yes, yes! By all means."

"And this lovely young lady is Scotland Yard's best and brightest detective, Miss Lena Ashwyn. She helps me out on cases as well and is a great law enforcement resource." Basil stated as he gestured over to Lena.

However, Lena glared at him, shaking her head and hands as she stated, "Oh no, Basil. After this last case, I don't want to work with you for a long time."

"Oh, come now, Lena." He begged, walking over to her, trying to coax her into agreeing.

"No, Basil."

"Not even when I say that you're the love of my life?"

"There's no way I'm going to...Did you call me the love of your life?"

He nodded as the stunned woman blushed. He leaned over, going in for a kiss when she glared and pushed him away. "Oh no. I won't fall for it. I already have so much- Hey!"

She gasped as Basil pulled her into his side, chuckling as he began to explain the lady mouse's dilemma, "As you can see, Dawson- "

"Basil, let go!"

"-this young lady has just arrived from the Hampstead District- "

"Basil, I'm warning you!"

"-and is troubled about the mysterious disappearance of an emerald ring, missing from the third finger of her right- OWWW!" He bellowed as Lena stomped on his foot.

"Lena, please, not in front- "

"Don't you 'Lena' me! And it's once again Detective Ashwyn to you!"

"Oh, don't be that way, darling."

The two continued to argue while Dawson chuckled and led the young woman over to the fire place, offering her a cup of tea, knowing the two would need a minute to sort out their issues.

From that time on, Basil, Dawson and Lena were a close team and over the years, they had many cases together. Lena and Basil eventually settled down, with a baby mouse in their future. 

But Dawson would always look back at the first with the most fondness. After all, it was his introduction to his partner and his friends, Basil of Baker Street and Detective Lena Ashwyn.

But Lena would look back on it for another reason. Seeing it as the night she helped a sweet little girl reunite with her father, ended Ratigan's reign of terror and getting revenge for her old partner. And, most importantly, was the night she and Basil started the rest of their lives together.

What a truly wonderful adventure it was.

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