The Rescue

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The Robot Queen stepped out from behind the curtain and no mouse was the wiser as they applauded her arrival. Lena sighed, looking at the scene in dismay. Was Ratigan's plan actually working? Was he actually going to succeed?

The Robot Queen spoke out to her subjects but it was actually Flaversham talking through a microphone, as he controlled the robot while being forced to read from notes held up in front of him. 

"On this most august occasion, we are gathered here not only to commemorate my 60 years as Queen, but to honour one..."

Ratigan watched from behind the curtain, smiling victoriously before turning to look at Lena. She glared at him as he put a crown on his head.

"...of truly noble stature. I present to you a statesman among mice, a gifted leader, a crusader for justice, freedom and truth, a majestic mountain of humility, and my new Royal Consort...Professor Ratigan!"

Ratigan burst out from behind the curtain, wearing a purple robe decorated with medals while the crown lay atop his head. The crowd gasped in horror and Lena couldn't help but lower her head in defeat as Ratigan began reading from a list that held his new laws.

She couldn't believe it. Ratigan was winning. His plan was being seen through. And...Basil wasn't here to stop him.

A tear slid down her cheek as she thought of Basil. He wasn't here yet. That could only mean...

She didn't want to believe that this was the end. She didn't want to think about how Basil must have now been nothing but a pancake, along with poor Dawson. But it seemed it was true. He wasn't bursting in ready to save the day or her for that matter. He wasn't here with his usual victorious smile that she had come to love so dearly. 

She hated to admit it seemed that the Great Basil of Baker Street was no more. And she didn't even get to tell him...

Lena cupped her face in her hands, trying not to let out a cry, unaware that the thugs that had held her and Flaversham at gunpoint had been subdued.

"Oh Basil..."

"What's with the long face, Lena?"

Her breath hitched as she looked up into the beautiful black eyes of Basil. He stood there with a smug smirk on his face, leaning down in a teasing manner. "Was someone worried about me?"

Lena could only laugh with joy as she punched him in the arm. Hard.


"You complete idiot!" She chuckled before pulling him into a hug which he returned.

When she pulled away, she noticed that both the Queen and Olivia were alright. The Queen was tying up Fidget, as payback for dragging her away and nearly feeding her to Felicia, while Olivia hugged her father tightly, finally reunited with him with Dawson smiling fondly at the scene.

"Now, Lena, ready to take down Ratigan?" Basil asked, holding his hand out for her which she gladly took.

"Oh, I thought you'd never ask."


"Item 96..." Ratigan snickered, still reading from his list. "A heavy tax shall be levied against all parasites and sponges. Such as the elderly, the infirm, and especially little children."

Ratigan leaned upside down over the railing to sneer at a little boy up in front. He looked at the rat defiantly before his mother fearfully whisked him away.

An old man with a cast and crutch approached him angrily. "That's ridiculous. You're insane."

"Perhaps I haven't made myself clear." Ratigan took the crutch from the man, who fell to the ground. "I have the power!" He snapped the crutch in half.

"Of course you do." The Robot Queen replied.

"I am supreme!"

"Only you."

"This is MY kingdom! That is, of course, with your Highness' permission."

The Robot Queen didn't respond. Ratigan gave it a light slap, making it spring back to life.

"Most assuredly..." The Robot answered before glaring at Ratigan. "You insidious fiend!"


"You're not my Royal Consort!"

Ratigan covered the Robot Queen's mouth and quickly addressed the crowd, who glared up at him in disdain, "What a sense of humor."

The Robot Queen ducked down to free itself. "You're a cheap fraud and impostor."



"A corrupt, vicious, demented, low-life scoundrel. There's no evil scheme you wouldn't concoct!" Basil said into the microphone while he and Lena messed around with the levers.

Lena then jerked the at the controls harshly, causing the robot's head to fly up and spin, before creating great chaos. It annoyed Ratigan as it moved around so frantically that it started to fall apart until it was nothing but a spiraled wire, eyes and a mouth. 

"No depravity you wouldn't commit!" Basil went on, sending a playful wink to Lena. "You, Professor, are none other than a foul stenchus rodentus, commonly known as a- "

Ratigan's temper flared as he seized the robot by the neck and yelled, "DON'T SAY IT!"

Basil burst from behind the curtain and pointed at the loathsome professor, bellowing, "SEWER RAT!"


"Arrest that fiend!"

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