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Dawson was dazed, having visions of showgirls dancing around his head, while the pianist was angry that the mouse had destroyed his instrument. He was ready to hit him with a plank, but as he swung, Dawson slumped down again. The pianist instead hit the head of a big mean-looking mouse.

The pianist shook with fear, trying to hide the plank, but the larger mouse grabbed him by the neck and raised his fist. The pianist dodged, ending with the piano getting hit instead. The piano crashed into the band members like bowling pins and that was when a full-blown bar fight broke out. Mice were strangling each other, hitting everyone around them with whatever they could, be it a shoe, a chair, or kicking them as they swung from a ceiling lamp. Even a few gunshots went off.

Basil was trying to help Dawson snap out of his dazed state, lightly slapping his cheek to wake him up.

"Dawson?" Lena begged, wanting to leave before things got too out of hand.

"Dawson!" Basil angrily spat.

"What? What?" Dawson spluttered, coming out of his drunken state and saw the chaos happening around him. "What in heaven's name is going on?"

"I've spotted our peg-legged- " Basil glanced at the bar but Fidget was gone. "Come on, old fella. There's not a moment to lose."

Both Lena and Basil noticed a trapdoor behind the bar and they moved Dawson towards it. The fight continued as Dawson climbed down the passageway with Basil and Lena right behind him. Basil quietly shut the door just as a chair flew over and hit it.

Down below, Basil saw Fidget up ahead, climbing into a drain pipe. He motioned for Lena and Dawson to follow him and they quietly crept behind, as Fidget sang the song from earlier to himself.

Basil, Lena and Dawson looked into the pipe, seeing Fidget pick up his lantern and disappear into the darkness.

"Basil- " Dawson tried to speak but Basil shushed him and climbed inside the pipe.

"Follow me."

It was dark inside the pipe and the group could barely see where they were going. 

"Great Scott."

"I can't see a thing." Lena mumbled.

"Not to worry, Lena. Grab my coat and follow along. No, no, no, not that way. Dawson, look out for your- "

A sealed cap rattled as Dawson walked straight into it.

"Oww! Confound it! Do you have any idea where we're going?"

"But of course. Left turn. Right turn here, Doctor."

Basil soon lifted up the grate they were under only to discover Ratigan's secret lair. 

"Ah-ha, Dawson! Lena! We found it! Ratigan's secret lair!" He climbed out and held the grate open while Lena and Dawson climbed out. "And it's filthier than I imagined."

As the group quietly made their way further into the lair, Lena noticed Olivia curled up in the bottle, apparently asleep, with her back facing them.

"Basil, the bottle!" Lena pointed, rushing over to it.

They carefully snuck over to the bottle and while Basil jumped on the neck of the bottle, Lena and Dawson went to the side to check on Olivia. Basil began to try and pull the cork off.

"It's stuck!" He grunted.

"Olivia?" Lena whispered, tapping the glass to get the girl's attention.

But, as the little mouse turned around, it wasn't Olivia who stared back at them. It was Fidget dressed in Olivia's clothes. He turned to them with a sinister smile as he made a kissy face.

Suddenly, a bunch of Ratigan's thugs jumped out from all corners and shouted, "SURPRISE!"

Basil dropped to the ground, startled, as a large banner that read 'Welcome Basil' unfurled from the ceiling. Balloons were released and confetti rained down as Ratigan's thugs clapped and cheered mockingly. Ratigan stood at the doorway, applauding as well.

Both Basil and Lena glared hatefully at the rat as he chuckled before coming closer to them. "Bravo! Bravo! A marvelous performance." The rat pulled out his pocket watch, looking at it disappointingly. "Though frankly, I expected you fifteen minutes earlier. Trouble with the chemistry set, old boy?"

Basil stiffened at the insult though quickly recovered, plastering on a smile and a friendly tone as he spoke, " one can have a higher opinion of you than I have." Then his facade fell, being replaced once again by his hate-filled gaze. "And I think you're a slimy, contemptible sewer rat!"

Lena smirked at him before shifting her gaze back at Ratigan. "I couldn't agree more."

Ratigan calmly shut his pocket watch and put it away before chuckling.

"By the way, Basil, I just love your disguise." He mused, ripping off Basil's mustache and his thugs laughed as Ratigan inspected his hat. "Really, one would hardly recognize you. The greatest..." He began to laugh as he nudged Basil. " all mousedom!"

He and his goons laughed even harder as he walked away, leaving Basil seething with rage.

Lena had had enough of the loathsome rat. "You despicable rat!"

The rat turned to her and smirked. As he made his way over, he teasingly played with a strand of her long black hair. "My, my, Detective Ashwyn. Someone still bitter over their partner's death?"

"Why you- " She tried to swing at him but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his chest.

"Temper, temper. You know I always admired that about you?"

"Unhand her!" Basil commanded, becoming red in the face.

Ratigan just smirked as he raised a teasing eyebrow. "Oh? Are you going to stop me?"

"Ratigan, so help me...I'll see you behind bars yet!"

"You fool! Isn't it clear to either of you?" He lifted both of detectives up by their collars, shaking them around. "The superior mind has triumphed! I've won!" He laughed manically as he dropped Basil while shoving Lena into the hands of some thugs. Though she struggled, there were just too many for her to handle and she sighed in defeat.

And, while Ratigan and his thugs laughed, jeered and pointed, she could see Basil's resolve slowly leave him. He slumped his shoulders, defeated and broken, making Lena's eyes widen in disbelief.

"No, Basil..."

Dawson stared at his friend in concern but didn't know how to help him. Basil hanged his head as the cruel laughter continued and Lena couldn't help but hang hers as well. 

Ratigan was clutching at his sides in glee as he continued to laugh mockingly, "Oh I love it! I love it!"

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