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It was just barely 1 PM when I heard a knock on my office door. I had been on patrol all morning and had plans for lunch. The knocking was probably my plans.

But when I yelled, "Come in, Luce!" and Quinn's confused face was the first thing I saw, I smiled.

"What did you just call me?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed, as he plopped down in one of the leather seats across from my desk. I stood up and straightened my belt instinctively, grinning down at him.

"Never mind. What are you doing here kid? Shouldn't you be receiving an education?"

He snorted. "We had a half day. I think it's some Jewish holiday," he replied, picking at the curling leather.

"Cool, then we can probably get started..."

I trailed off once I had lost Quinn's attention due to the opening of my office door. Annnd here were my plans.

"Hey C, you ready?"

Luce closed the door gently, then turned her brightly smiling face towards me. She had not realized I already had company, considering Quinn was practically curled up like a puppy in the huge chair. I watched him take in Lucy's appearance, his eyes growing wide.

Not that I didn't get that way myself. Lucy was basically the definition of perfection. She was a short, petite woman of 5'3 with a small frame and white-blonde hair that fell to her shoulders in effortless waves. She was pretty fair-skinned and had amazing clear blue eyes. She had what you would call a "sunny disposition." Her smile could light up a room, and that's primarily what attracted me to her. She was kind and outgoing whereas I was guarded and silent, well until recently I guess. She was good company, to say the least.

"Hi Luce," I said, my voice growing softer. I recognized an immediate change of my demeanor as soon as she walked in the room. With Quinn I was playful and loud and goofy, but Luce evoked something different in me. With her I was quiet and soft spoken and a good listener.

That's when Quinn stood up, his body a barrier between Luce and I, although I doubt it was intentional.

Luce instantly smiled, diffusing her peaceful aurora around the room. I saw Quinn relax.

"Hey there," Luce said to Quinn, then glanced at me with raised eyebrows. She wanted me to introduce him to her.

"Oh, uh," I stuttered, placing a hand on Quinn's shoulder. "This is one of my troublemakers," I said with a small laugh as Quinn looked up at me to make sure I saw him roll his eyes. I snorted, but nudged him, trying to get him to introduce himself.

"I'm Spinner," he said in a bit of a mumble.

"I'm Lucy. And I doubt you're a troublemaker. CJ says that about everyone," she said, sticking her hand out to shake Quinn's. This whole Spinner-Quinn thing was really starting to confuse me.

I forced a chuckle for Luce's sake. "We were uh, just going to do some community service. Spinner had a half-day at school today. Can we maybe make lunch dinner instead?"

Lucy nodded, still smiling like always. "Of course. Chloe has been nagging me to go over the details of the wedding with her today, so dinner would actually be better. I'm going to head out then. How does seven sound, C?"

I nodded. God bless Chloe and her neediness. I really wasn't feeling lunch today.

"Perfect. The key is under the mat, love," I told her. I didn't realize my hand was still on Quinn's shoulder until I felt him tense up.

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