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I finished cooking dinner two hours ago. Two hours ago when Carter was supposed to be home from work. I had hung out with Val all day; we walked Tob in the park and talked about Carter and school just like any other Saturday. But instead of going home to Viola's, I went home to Carter's and got to work on a grilled chicken dinner recipe that I spent thirty minutes trying to decipher. I had finished almost exactly at six, but when six thirty rolled around and Carter hadn't showed, I started to panic. I texted and I called, but his phone went straight to voice mail. Then six became seven. I debated calling the station. Seven became eight and I was two minutes away from walking down there myself.

Tossing his damn chicken back in the oven, I wanted to cry. He didn't even call. I didn't care if work ran late, or if he went out for a drink afterwards, I couldn't care less. But he didn't even call.

Then out of nowhere the door to CJ's apartment burst open and in popped a stumbling tall, long-legged brunette followed by my boyfriend.

"Easy there tiger!" I heard CJ laugh, steadying the woman with his hands on the small of her back as she giggled. I wanted to tear her hair out. CJ shut the apartment door.

"What the hell is going on?" I heard myself ask, sliding off the stool that sat against the counter separating the two parts of Carter's apartment. He flashed me a quick smile before turning back to the brunette. He was still in his uniform and the easiness to his grin made my toes curl.

"Here Jen, my room is straight through that door right there," he said slowly, allowing her drunken state to absorb the fact he was pointing towards the bedroom. "Why don't you get settled, you can use the bathroom, any thing you want, okay?"

She giggled again, patting him on the chest. "Oh wow, thank you! God Owen is so lucky to have such a... handsome and... nice friend like you."

I felt my fingers curl into fists as he laughed, thanking her, before pushing her towards his bedroom. Then it hit me. He brought someone home.

He brought some drunken slut home to bed! Our bed! The one we sleep in together, as two people who love each other!

"What the fuck is this!" I screamed, not in the least bit concerned with the volume of my voice or the casual grin on Carter's face. Quickly it began to fade. "You bring some skank home from the bar when I've been waiting for you to come home for two freaking hours! You think you would have called! Texted! Facebook messaged me, anything! I slaved over dinner for you, it took me hours. And then you come home two hours late with some whore you're using to release your sexual energy? God you're disgusting."

I didn't even register how confused he looked. All I registered was the anger pouring out of me as I shoved my feet into sneakers and flung open the apartment door, despite Carter's shouts of "What the actual fuck? Quinn you have no idea what you're talking about!"

I ignored him. After I sprinted down the hallway, I jammed my fingers on the elevator button repeatedly, desperately hoping it would open before Carter realized I was gone.

But I had no such luck. His uniformed body came jogging into view within seconds of me leaving, so I bolted. I threw open the door to the stairs and practically flew down them, Carter hot on my heels.

"Quinn, what the hell is going on? Would you just listen to me?! WAIT UP, QUINN!"

I was already in the lobby, jogging out the front door, looking left and right before heading down the path to the street. Viola's house was two miles from here. I could jog that in less than twenty minutes.

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