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Quinn missed his shift with me on Thursday. I waited an hour for him to show, but he never did. I guess he just blew me off or didn't feel like doing community service, but he could have at least called. Seriously. I had been practically waiting all day just to see him.

Okay that sounded bad. I'm not some clingy girlfriend who can't go five hours without seeing her significant other; I was just worried, that's all. That's it.

I watched the second hand slowly travel around the clock above the door to my office. The clock had NYPD written on the inside; a gift Luce had gotten me. I was never on time for anything and she always thought my "big dream" or whatever was to make it to the city and become a cop there. I didn't have the heart to tell her that my "big dream" didn't include her, or the city. I loved Bayside and I loved being a sergeant. Just goes to show how little she actually knows about me.

I sighed and rubbed my face in my hands. I added a fifth tally to the post-it note on my desk. Quinn was five minutes late, and Quinn was never late. A troublemaker yes, but late? Never.

My mind struck the thought just as I finished the twentieth tally on my post-it. I hadn't seen Quinn for two and a half days. He had now missed two of his shifts and hadn't even shown up in handcuffs. Maybe... maybe something was wrong.

I cracked my knuckles and pushed my chair away from the mahogany desk. My eyes wandered over to the phone to the left, perched on top of a few old academy textbooks I had lying around. Next to it, the framed "Friends Forever" photo of Tommy and I, each of us holding a Coors Light, made me smile. My mind wandered to memories of us staying up late playing game cube and pushing our beds together to talk until we got a sharp knock on our door and we broke apart in giggles. Without Tommy... I don't know what I would have done. With that thought in my mind, my eyes drifted back to the telephone.

I sighed, closing my eyes and picturing Quinn's deep chocolaty brown ones. My stomach hadn't been settling lately, and I couldn't get the sound of his moans out of my mind. He could be in trouble. He could be hurt

Guess you have to face the devil sooner rather than later. So I picked up the phone and dialed the number my fingers hadn't pressed in years.

"Strauss House, this is Viola."

I almost shuddered at the sound of her eerily unchanged voice. I wet my lips and took a deep breath.

"Hi, is Qu, uh no shit, Spinner. Is Spinner there?" I swore beneath my breath. Way to start out on the right foot, CJ! This is really looking great!

"Who, may I ask, is speaking?"

I could practically see her pursing her lips. I rolled my eyes instinctively.

"This..." I paused, taking a deep breath. "This is Officer Thomas with the Bayside PD. Is your foster son Spinner there?"

Viola gasped. "See Jay Thomas? I would recognize that sweet little voice of yours anywhere, pumpkin. How have you been, hun? Wow, it's been a while since I last saw you! How's the new position? I hope all that training paid off!"

I mentally groaned. I need Quinn right now, not an interrogation from a woman who made my gut wrench.

"Yeah the department's great, thanks," I said tightly. "Is Spinner there?"

I heard her make that clicking noise with her tongue that used to drive me crazy.

"Oh hun. I'm sorry."

My stomach dropped. "Sorry? You're sorry? What are you sorry for? Where is he? Where's Spinner?"

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