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To say I was pissed was like saying the Sahara desert had the tendency to be a bit dry.

I had been fuming for the past week since I had gotten his post card, and my body wasn't planning on returning to its normal state any time soon.

The worst thing was he didn't even know my home address. He addressed the damn post card to the station, meaning it had been passed to me by the lowest ranking deputy whose job it was to get the mail.

The lowest ranking deputy who was fucking my partner.

"Ohhhmygod, CJ, I'm so sorry. He knew I was keeping something from him! He threatened me! I swear, he threatened me if I didn't tell him what I knew! God, I'm so sorry!"

Maeve was in my office warning me that Boggs knew about Quinn's post card. The day it came in the mail, I was already in a certified frenzy after not hearing from him for a day in a half. Then Maeve enters my office with this giddy-ass smile and hands me the post card, which was just an ordeal in itself. It was a confirmation that he was alive and not being raped by London scum, but he had also delivered the news that I wouldn't be able to speak to him unless he initiated it. And judging by Quinn's letter, he hadn't thought to memorize my phone number, or he would have at least called from a payphone or something.

Now Boggs' new founded knowledge was added to my list of reasons "why I want to quit my job and become an alpaca farmer in Chile."

I sighed deeply, my voice coming out in tired strains of 'what is God going to throw at me next?'

"God, Maeve. Honestly. You knew it was important to me that he didn't find out. And now this? What—did he threaten to cut off your daily fuck if you didn't tell him what you knew?"

Maeve's mouth fell open. He didn't exactly know that Topher had told me I knew they were fucking, hence the tomato red color his olive skin had acquired.

"I-we-I swear-"

"Save it," I cut him off. "It's fine. Just don't let it interfere with your work. And next time a post card comes, you don't read it—you don't even acknowledge it. You act like it's not there. You drop it in my office and then you go suck Boggs off, I don't care. I'm praying he doesn't confront me about this, but if he does, you realize I will use your relationship as leverage, correct? This is what you get for telling him what I distinctly told you needed to be kept between us."

Maeve nodded his head animatedly. I sighed, practically deflating in my seat. "You're dismissed."

He turned to go, but stopped suddenly. "I forgot to tell you, I put your mail in the box outside your office before you got here. I saw another one. He's still in London."

I jumped out of my seat, practically throwing myself around the desk before I whipped open the office door and dug around in the file box attached to the wall outside my office. I found it, then hurried back to my desk. Maeve smirked at me as I waited for him to leave. Asshole.

This one wasn't of Big Ben, it was of the London Eye. I flipped it over anxiously.

I'm in Spain now, I know the card must be misleading. I bought a stack in London and wanted to use them all before I bought any more. I'm staying at a hostel in Salamanca. Val always wanted to see a bull fight, so here I am. I guess this is the part I tell you how much I miss you, but if I write how much I miss you I'll probably start crying and I'm in a room with other people so you'll just have to believe me when I say it. I know you're also still angry with me. I understand. I want to hear your voice. I'll call this week, if I can find someone who knows how to use a payphone. Anyways, I gotta go. No more room. Love you times a million bajillon trillion!


I swallowed back the lump in my throat. I could practically hear his voice in my head. Missing him hurt.



"If this is a telemarketer, I swear to all things Holy I will hunt you down and kill you."

The biggest grin stretched out on my face, making my lips crack.

"What kind of telemarketer calls at nine AM, baby?"

CJ swore loudly. "Fuck, Quinn! God, oh my god. You're alive!"

I laughed. "Of course I am. What's with the morning voice? It's 9."

"Quinn, there are things called time zones. It's three in the morning at home."

"Shit," I cursed. "God, I'm so sorry Carter!"
"Don't apologize," he breathed into the receiver, making me shiver. "I would do anything to hear your voice."

"Anything?" I responded, my voice three octaves deeper, my tone more breathy and less excited.

CJ groaned on the other line. I was now sporting a stage one erection.

"Quinny, don't do this to me. I need you so badly it hurts."

"It's been like a month, C," I told him chuckling. "Didn't you go without sex for 21 years?"

He laughed. "Fuck you. Half of that time I didn't even know what sex was."

"I could listen to your laugh forever," I told him sadly, pausing as he sighed. "God, Carter I miss you." My voice broke on the last few syllables, making me bite my lip.

"How much longer will you be?" He asked me after a distinct pause.

I took a deep breath. "I don't know."

"Quinn, give me something. How long am I going to be waiting around for you?"

"Oh, so now I'm a burden," I sassed back at him, my brows furrowing at the annoyed tone he had used.

Carter didn't like that. "Are you kidding me?! Do you know how much I've done for you? Have you ever stopped to think where you'd be without me? If you were a burden I would have given up on you months ago."

"Gee, thanks, babe!"

"Quinn," He threatened, his voice deadly low. "Do you want me to get on a plane and take you home?"

"No," I answered him, my voice small. "Yes. No. I don't know! You know I have to be here."

He breathed out deeply. "I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be blowing up at you. I just miss you so much," he paused and I could hear his steady breathing on the other line. His voice got quieter. "I miss the way you smell. I miss how cuddly you are. I miss your smile. I miss seeing you in my clothes. I miss holding your hands. Hell, I even miss fighting with you. I miss everything about you, Quinny. I need you to come home to me soon."

I was now full blown sobbing in the middle of a Spanish street inside a payphone booth. I had hit a new low.

"Quinn," he whined sadly, only making me cry harder.

"Five months," I told him through my tears. "Five months at max. I love you."

And then I hung up, the sound of his voice ringing in my ears as I collapsed on top of the piece of metal, burying my face in my arms as I cried.

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