The Epilogue

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The Epilogue


"And please, Tommy, please don't forget to give him water every couple of hours. He gets dehydrated easily!"

Tommy rolled his eyes at me again, but didn't have a chance to respond because Quinn was already shouting another set of instructions at him.

"And remember the walks, please! He gets bored easily, he's still a puppy, T."

"Yes, yes, I know! Can you two paranoid freaks leave already? You've been telling me what I already know for a good half hour! Rocky will be fine. You two are going to be gone for two days. You both need to take a god damn chill pill! I've got everything under control!"

Quinn and I exchanged a wary glance. Leaving our baby (A golden retriever named Rocky that Quinn got me for my birthday) with Tommy was always hard when we left for these weekends. I don't blame Tom for being frustrated-we do this twice a month. He really does know what to do, but that still didn't make us any less worried.

Quinn sighed, then leaned over and placed a kiss on Rocky's muzzle. I scratched Rock behind his ears, one of my hands resting comfortably on Quinn's back.

"Go, get out of here. Have fun, enjoy, please." Tommy's pleading tone had me chuckling. I grabbed Q's shoulder as he picked up his backpack.

"Fine, fine. Be safe. Call if you have any emergencies. You have Denise's number too, right?"

"Yes, Quinn! I've had it for four years! Get the fuck out of my apartment!"

"Alright, alright," I countered, pulling Quinn along, shooting Tommy a quick glare before swinging my bag over my shoulder as well. "Thanks, T," I told him as Quinn said one last goodbye to Rocky. "We owe you."

"Don't worry about it," he said to the both of us. He looked me in the eyes with a smirk. "And good luck."

I shot him another glare before eagerly pulling Quinn out of the apartment and down the stairs to the car, hoping he didn't catch Tommy's last words.

"What was that whole 'good luck' thing about?"

I wasn't so lucky.

I cleared my throat, and tightened my grip on the wheel. We had gotten in the car and were all settled in, ready to head to Jersey. "Don't worry about it."

He gave me a perplexed look. "What? You and Tommy have secrets now?" His accusatory tone instantly instilled a sense of annoyance within me.

"No, Q," I told him tiredly. "It's just stuff."

"Whatever," he mumbled, raising his eyebrows before turning to look out the window of the car. He pressed his head against the glass and put his feet up on the dash. Some things never change.

What did change though, was everything else. Four years ago, after Quinn's five months in Europe, he came home to New York and enrolled in police academy. He hadn't graduated high school, though, so he had to take online classes while training so he could become an officer. He graduated in the top 5% of his recruit class, something we had a lot of celebratory sex for, and of course an expensive dinner in the city and an even more expensive 2016 BMW X5. (He wanted to return it, like usual. Instead, I told him I would keep it. Now, we share it.)

I hired him after that. He was my trainee at Bayside, and honestly, he was one of the best. He was friendly and engaging and nice to everyone. He knew policies that I hadn't even mentioned, and he was always professional with me at work-something I respected and resented at the same time. We've been working together ever since.

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