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[ 19 ] (its not the age he died)

"...Finn. Are you there?" His eyes snap open at the voice of his therapist and he sits bolt upright, blinking rapidly as if to clear his vision before turning his gaze on her. She smiles softly at him. "You were dozing off." He blinks at that, then shakes his head with a small smile of apology. "..Sorry.." It fell silent. 

The therapist watches him for a moment, taking note of how tense his body looks. A few more moments pass before she speaks again, quietly. "...I'm sorry this happened to you Finn... I wish it hadn't. You have experienced.. A lot. For one as young as you." She takes a breath and continues.

 "But you've made so much progress, haven't you? This whole process hasn't been easy, but you're doing well." Finn stays silent.

His therapist sighs and turns away from him, standing up. "Well, that's all the time we have today, let's get back to it next week. I'll see you soon."

He nods stiffly, still staring down at his hands folded in his lap. He waits until the door shuts behind her, leaving only the sound of his heavy breathing echoing in the room as the silence sets in once again.


Finn didn't know what to do. He had lost both his parents, the house, his car.. He only had a bit of money left so he could only afford a night or two in a nearby hotel. It was getting colder outside..

He walked and walked until he finally found a hotel. It was called 'Sable Haven Retreat'. That sounded kind of nice.. maybe it was okay? He entered the building. It was only 15 dollars for a day.. He'd manage. Just barely. 

He walked upstairs and into one of the rooms on the second floor after getting his room key. He dropped down onto the bed and sat there with his legs hanging over the side.

(All previous comments are from the old version of this part.)

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