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Another day. They all gathered in the library, [REDACTED] and Sally having a book reading session. It was just a "normal" day. Sam(around 11-12) was running around, playing with a random spider he had found at random in a corner somewhere. He had named it Timothy. (timothy doesn't speak yet btw for now its just a 'normal spider.')

Finn sighed. The hotel was good enough, he supposed. Despite his social anxiety, he managed to befriend a few people here.

The rain had stopped, finally. But it was still freezing cold. He shuddered a little and wrapped his jacket around himself tightly. Maybe he'd take a walk later. He looked over and saw Isaac reading a book and chatting with Henry.

Isaac hadn't always been so open, and he was very introverted. However, Henry was a very social person. He had managed to bring the other boy out of his shell somewhat. Plus, Sam seemed to see him as a big brother figure and had become attached to him.

Finn had noticed the kid was starting to get attached to the boy, and it was adorable. The kid was very energetic, always running around and talking non-stop. It would also constantly prank people, whispering in their ears and then running away. He would laugh maniacally as he did so.

Sometimes the kid would come up to him and just stare. It was weird. Finn couldn't stand the stare. It made him uncomfortable.

"Hey Finn, what are you thinking about?" Finn's head jerked up. It was just Jackson. A 15 year old teen who he had almost no info on.

"Oh, sorry. Just spacing out, I guess. What were we talking about again?"

"Well, I was asking how you were doing, but you zoned out. Everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Everything's fine." He forced a smile. "Just tired. Didn't get much sleep last night.

He had gotten a part-time job. He had earned enough both for his therapy and a bit of extra cash just to stay in this place. The people there were nice, but he hadn't really spoken to anyone other than his boss. He wasn't used to working in a place full of people, and it was a small shop.

"Oh. That's good." Jackson smiled at him.

"So, what are you up to?"




After talking for a bit, everyone eventually parted ways. Finn didn't know why, but it was just those other 9 people that he actually felt comfortable being around. Sally was just a small exception.. While walking back to his hotel room, he could overhear something coming from one of the rooms.


It sounded like Sam and... Henry. They were arguing about something. Finn stood there and listened, curiosity getting the better of him.

(S = italics)

(H = bold)

" way!"

"Sam.. you have to go back to your parents eventually. They're looking for you. Plus, they don't like me."

"..B-But sir..."

"I know. There isn't many people you can befriend here, and you've said it a thousand times. I get it. But come on.. I'll be back soon. Tell your brother I have to go, mkay? I'll come back to visit tomorrow. Me and your brother are actually gonna go hangout next Saturday. And besides, it'll just be for a few days. Maybe even a week."


"Pinky promise."


"...Thank you, Sam. You're a great friend." Henry patted his head. Looking through the crack in the door, Finn could see that Sam had began to hug Henry tightly. Henry's eyes widened and he tensed up.


"Sir, please dont leave.."

"Sam... I cant."


Henry's eyes softened and he slowly hugged the younger boy back. "I'm sorry. I can't." He whispered. "You'll be okay. Just stay safe."


Henry slowly pried Sam's arms off of him. He sighed, and gave him one last hug before walking out of the room, his hand ruffling through his hair.

"You're a good kid, Sam."

Sam was left standing there. Silent. Finn slowly pulled away and walked back to his room, the door clicking shut behind him. Henry and Sam were really close.. But he can't help but wonder. So Sam knew Henry because Henry was a friend of his brothers, quite possibly a roommate of his brothers. It was none of his business anyway so he decided to just shake it off and go to bed for the day. He had work anyway.

..he was awoken by a sound.


The sound of rumbling could be heard from outside his room. He was a light sleeper, so he would wake up whenever anything happened.

It was the sound of the storm. Of course there was another storm. There always was one every month. He could hear the rain splattering against his window. The wind howled loudly. He groaned and buried his face in his pillow. This was gonna be a long night.

It wasn't too bad, but he couldn't stop tossing and turning. He wasn't used to the sounds of storms, and they were very loud. But then he heard something else.

Two people were talking. They seemed to be arguing about something. He couldn't really make out the words, though. They sounded like they were far away. Opening the door to peek outside, he could see a man and a woman quietly yelling at each other.

He couldn't really tell what they were saying. He could only pick up a few words here and there. Something about a deal and the hotel. He couldn't remember seeing them around. They must've arrived a few days ago, maybe even earlier.

They didn't seem like a threat, but it was better to stay out of it.

Then the woman turned around and saw him.

Quickly shutting the door, he went back into the bed and decided to just try and ignore the arguing. He was tired, and he didn't feel like getting involved.

He finally fell asleep.

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