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"SEEK-" The distorted voice of 'Rush' speaks. It sounds as if it's in pain, its grey face and its wide permanent smile twisted and contorted, looking almost like something out of a horror film. Every time it walks, an audible crackling noise rings through the hallways.

Seek opens its eye to stare at the other entity. It doesn't know what to do. It had been raining for.. about a couple of weeks now. It seemed like it would never end. 

The world felt empty, cold.. devoid of any life. Its only companion was the constant thunder and lightning that crashed relentlessly from above. Everything else was pitch black and lifeless. Seek tried to focus on something, anything. But nothing stuck in it's mind for long.

It wished it could talk. But no.. All it had was this one giant eye in the middle of its head- yet no mouth. No tongue. No words. Nothing that even remotely hinted at language. Rush continued to stare at it, its large, gaping pupil making Seek want to cringe. It wanted to run. It wanted to hide.

The voice spoke again. "I---" It stopped abruptly. "---W@NT---"..What did it want?It couldn't go home.

He couldn't go home.

It had nowhere else to go.



It can't have help. It would only suffer for eternity. 

Ignoring its cries for help, Seek continued on to Figure's Library. He could hear the growling from the other side of the door, and everyone else was already in there.

(All previous comments are from the old version of this part.)

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