I don't like regular lights. I don't like having the curtains open. I like 1 warm small candle on my nightstand, with translucent peach curtains letting a warm pink light shine through. I don't like society. I dream of living in a castle in Ireland, 20 miles into a field, away from anywhere. I want to just farm in the farmhouse, and knit. I want to cook and make home made toast from the wheat we grow and the raspberries we grow. I want to have old old money. That generations in the future never have to work. I want my vacation to be to an island, where i have to take a boat to it. I want to be independent and only have max 3 people living with me. I want to watch old television, in black and white. I want to have only candles and no electricity. I want my house to smell like tobacco and cinnamon. I want no men anywhere near where i live, only a woman village. I want to use modern technology only when necessary and if I want to watch modern tv i can. I want there to be no beauty standards and everyone to be beautiful. I want to have an old, dusty prison under ground for the most awful in society. I want to provide 100k dollars to each human being in my village, and they can do what they want with it. I want people who i pay to be undercover villagers, to see whatever crimes are committed. Animal abuse or cruelty of any kind and we sever every limb except your head, skin you, and then rip your tongue off, and then leave you in the dungeon to die. Any child abuse or cruelty of any kind, the same punishment. Any torture of anyone or any animal, same punishment. Every other crime will be investigated by the village police. Every school will have individualized education.
I'm not sure
Genel KurguI'm just venting I guess so don't expect an elaborate story. Just writing stuff cuz I feel like it.