Chap.1 Nightmares come true (updated)

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'Tell me you love me.'

I stared down at the beautiful girl before me as a smile made its way on her red lips, her eyes a bright electric blue that sparkled like the summer sky above us. I slowly tucked away a strand of her hair behind her ear as I spoke softly to her

"I love you."

The girl smiled up at me as her hand tangled in my hair. I don't know who this girl is but I have this feeling to be near her, to hold onto her tightly and never let go. A soft summer breeze passes through the deserted field of flowers causing a sweet smell of honey suckle to tingle my nose.

"Tell me you'll never let me go no matter what." She whispers quietly as she nestled her head right under my chin.

I feel my heart racing faster and faster in my chest as she starts kissing my neck and working her way up to my lips

"I-I'll never let you matter what."

Everything felt so right, the way the sun shined down on us, and the way this girl had the power to make my head spin just felt so...right. Her bright red lips lightly kissed my tender skin almost as softly as a butterfly would land on someone's hand until I felt a strong sensation of pain shoot through my neck as I felt her bite my flesh hard.

I cried out in pain falling onto my back with her on top of me, my vision was starting to darken. The scenery around us changed drastically; the once warm welcoming sun was gone leaving only a foggy mist while the beautiful yellow flowers were then replaced by dead grass and dry dirt. Why couldn't I breathe?! I forced my eyes to open and saw the girl that I once thought was angel like turn into a demon. She flashed me a dangerous smile as I saw two things that made me gasp in fear...Fangs, pearly white and sharp. Her blue eyes were now a dark crimson red and her touch wasn't warm and loving, but cold and deadly.

"Together forever" She purred as moved closer towards me...

I jolted up right in my bed suddenly drenched in sweat from the nightmare that I had just witnessed. My breaths turned from ragged to calm as I wiped my face and glanced at the clock. It was only 5:30 in the morning and I still had three more hours to sleep.

"Jesus Christ." I whisper as I fall back onto my bed's pillow.

Night after night I have had that dream over and over for the past two months and it never changes. It's always me and that girl in the field, holding each other and like always its ends with her face covered in my blood, about to kill me and me waking up scared to death. I know I shouldn't be freaking out about stuff like this but I can't help it. I don't even dare thinking about tell my parents for one my mother will think I have this phobia or some shit and want to talk about it and my dad will just shrug it off and tell me to man up already.

I attempt to find some stability as I close my eyes again, but all I see are her burning red ones. I can't shake the feeling like I know her from somewhere but it doesn't click even in the slightest. You would think I would remember a girl who wants to fucking kill me.

Time passes in a blur as I try to remember every fact about the dream as I slowly get ready for my day, I start to hear my parents yelling down stairs once again, it's only 6:55 and their usual routine is already starting.

My parents are on the border line of finishing their divorce and with me being their only child and a year away from being an adult, they don't even bother to pretend that everything is just fine and dandy, which really gets to me. If it's not my mom bad mouthing my father to me it's my father bad mouthing about my mom, and I'm always in the middle of it, it wasn't always like that of course, no marriage is. My dad met my mother when they were both in high school, with him being the Capitan of the Baseball team and my mother being the honor student, their destiny was set and written in stone. They married right after high school and had me two years later. I have the same brown hair like my dad, but my mother's hazel eyes that she says can win any girls heart, and trust me she is right.

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