Chap. 8 Some time apart

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Aubrey’s POV

“Excuse me miss, we will be landing very shortly. Would you like a hot towel?”  I looked up from the window to the flight attendant who was holding a silver tray with steaming towels with a fake smile plastered on her face. I just shook my head and returned my gaze out the window. The sun was slowly starting to rise over the clouds as I watched from the sky. I felt horrible, absolutely downright horrible. After my night with Garrett, Gregory had come in and asked if we were still going, I had told him yes and silently slipped out of Garrett’s arms. No doubt in my mind he would be furious and broken hearted when he woke up and find me gone. But I had to do this, for his sake and a little of mine.

It’s not like I don’t believe what Garrett said about him having feelings for me, but it could just be the powerful bound attraction that we have for each other. I suppose the one thing I was scared of was breaking the bound and then him not caring for me anymore. That, and I was scared for myself as well. That night when I told him I felt the same something was happening to me. I cried true tears with water and everything, ever since I have met Garrett he has been changing me, I can feel different temperatures when we are together and just last night I started crying. Vampires don’t produce tears and don’t feel the heat or the cold. I’m terrified with all this stuff happening but I know I can’t tell Gregory or Maya, they would freak out and tear Garrett and I apart and Shawn would probably kill him in that time so I just had to lie low for now until I could figure out what was going on.

Gregory shook my shoulder softly “Hey we are here, are you sure you want to do this?” I tore my gaze from the window and looked at him and nodded “Yes I’m sure.”

Garrett’s POV

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS GONE?!”  I yelled out in frustration, Maya  sighed and shook her head “It means how it sounds, she and Gregory left last night for the Air port, Garrett what more do you want to know” she said watching me as I paced the room. I had woken up this morning and found myself alone in Aubrey’s room, thinking that she was probably down stairs eating I didn’t suspect much as I waited for her, but five minutes turned into ten which turned into an hour. I had finally got up and explored the house and found she was gone and so was Gregory.

“Where did they go?” I yelled at Maya, I knew I shouldn’t have been yelling at her, she had been really friendly towards me since I moved in but that didn’t matter know all that mattered was Aubrey at this point. “I want to tell you Garrett, but believe me I do but I can’t!” she stressed as she took a seat and held her head in her hands in defeat “You can’t or you won’t?!” I demanded pulling her head up to look me in the eyes.

Her eyes turned a darker green as she glared at me, and I glared right back. I wasn’t afraid like I should have been. Every day I spent with these Damn vampire’s were starting to get me on edge; their changing eyes and fangs didn’t scare me anymore. “I can’t, Gregory has commanded me not to speak a word about where they have gone!”  I yelled out in anger and tugged my way upstairs and slammed the door to Aubrey’s room loudly. I felt betrayed by her, she had left right under my nose when I fell asleep after she had promised that she wouldn’t leave and now she was gone to god knows where. I sat on the edge of the bed, my head low in complete agony. She would be gone for two whole weeks after I had told her about how I felt and she still left.

I have no Idea how long I stayed in Aubrey’s room until Maya slowly opened the door “Hey…are you hungry?” she asked, I just shook my head. What was the point now? I was to betrayed to eat anything at this point. I felt the bed dip in and saw Maya took a seat next to me “Look...Garrett I know you might be mad and believe me I would be too…I hate it when Gregory leaves but after all the times he has left you know what I realized?”

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