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I hear the bells hit against eachother, making a noise as the door of the small diner opens. The sound of it hitting my ears.

I look up taking a quick glance at the person walking in before I look back down at the tray full of small drinks and deserts. I hear multiple footsteps coming towards my direction.

I tell them without glancing back at them,"I'll be right with you!"

I balance the tray on one hand while carrying the tray stand in the other.

I take small strides towards the group of people sitting in a booth. It's only a few feet away from the counter so, I get there quickly. I set the stand down, putting the tray on top as I hear the conversation that was surrounding the table slowly die down.

I give them a small smile as I give out the food that each person ordered. They all thank me and I tell them to let me know if they need anything else before I bid them a goodbye.

I walk back towards the counter standing infront of the cashregister still not looking at the person who stands in front of me.

"Are you ready to order?" I ask while I lift my head up to stare at the person I now know as a man.

Seems about in his late 50's, has a short beard that connects to his neat mustache, both having lines of grey in them along with his slicked back hair, and dark eyes.

He gives me quick glance before directing his eyes back towards the menu above me.

"May I just have a choclate muffin with a water?" He asks.

I nod taking down his order,"Is that all?"


"Alright sir. That is $8.24. And it will be out shortly, take a seat anywhere you want."

He pays and gives a slight nod giving me a thankyou and the next person walks up. I had risen my head back up and it's her.

The new girl.

The girl I haven't stopped thinking about for the past hour.

The gorgeous girl that has now become part of my friend group apparently.

The person who has invaded my thoughts.

Serena Toma.

I don't show my shock from seeing her but, she finally has moved her line of direction towards me from the two girls that are by her side. When did they get there? I didn't see them.

I turn my eyes away from the little girls making eye contact with the new girl once again.

She gives me a tight liped smile while I wait for her order.

"Let me just get two small cookies-n-cream milkshakes, a orange juice, and two blueberry muffins please." She speaks in a clear voice.

Love, SerenaWhere stories live. Discover now