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"SERENAA! S-Ser- *cough* *cough* Serena! Where are you?!" My father calls out from somewhere in the house.

I hear my fathers screams over and over as I slowly open my eyelids.

And, when I open them I'm met with the worse smell, the horrible dark smoke that soon fills up lungs, and sweat overcoming my whole body.

My eyes go wide as I start to fratically sit up on my bed, I cover my mouth with my elbow trying to yell out for my parents.

"D-dad! Where are-where are you?! What's going on?!" I scream in fear.

Tears well up in my eyes from the wretched smoke that hits my face. I wipe my eyes with my hands trying to clear my vision more.

I hear screams echo through out the house. I hurridly try getting off my small twin bed. I run through the smoldering smoke covering my mouth, my eyes now pouring tears as the hot air hits against my face.

I reach my closed bedroom door, I bring my hand towards the gold door knob and right when my fingertips touch the metal it burns. It's t-too hot. I can't open my door. I'm stuck. I pound on the door with closed fists no longer bothering to cover my mouth that lets out crys for my dad and mom.

"D-dad! D-d-daddy help..me! I'm stuck! I'm stuck -stuck in my room! Hello!! Anyone! M-mom! Mommy!H-help-help me please.."

I weep, sob, cry, yell, for anything, for anybody to let me free. Help me. But, no one comes and I'm stuck. I'm alone in my room while the rampaging smoke fills up in my room more and more to where I can no longer see my surroundings or what's in front me.

I start to feel lightheaded, coughs now being the only thing I hear coming from my mouth.

This is it.
This is my end.
I'm stuck.
There's no one. I'm stuck.
I'm stuck.
I'm stuck.
I'm stuck.

I gasp for breath, sitting up in my bed holding my chest with my hand tightly wrapped around my shirt, beads of sweat covering my forehead, arms, and sweats stains cover my grey shirt.

My chest heaves up and down while I take deep breaths trying to get back in control of my breathing.

After a few minutes pass my breaths are better, closer to normal than they were.

I turn towards my bedside table by my bed and grab the half empty plastic water bottle chugging the rest of it down my throat.

Once it's fully gone I throw the empty bottle across my room not caring where it lands at the moment.

I throw the heavy duvet off my legs, swinging my legs over the bed feeling the slight cold breeze hit against my bare feet.

My hands grip the white bedsheets on the ends of the bed on the side while my toes touch the wood floors.

I take a second to myself before I stand up and walk over to the connected small already opened bathroom.

Love, SerenaWhere stories live. Discover now