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I WALK up the steps that lead to my front door. My backpack hangs on my shoulder as I put my keys into the door, unlocking it.

As I step into the deadly silent, cold, house, a shiver runs up my spine. Please. Please. Please.

I shut the door softly, desperately trying not to make any noise. If I do, it can lead to the worse and I really don't have any energy. It's midnight so I doubt he's awake.

A breath of relief leaves my mouth once the door is fully closed without squeaking. I slip my shoes off and kick them over to the three other pairs by the door. I tiptoe towards the stairs as the small light from the stove gives me a better visual of my surroundings.

But, a voice stops me dead in my tracks.

"Get over here boy."

I take everything out of my pockets, making sure there's nothing on me, and set them on the floor next to the stairs.

I take a deep breath, walking toward my father that I now notice sits at the countertop in the middle of our kitchen with his elbows on it and his hands in his hair.

Now standing by the counter I turn the light on, brightening up the room. My father looks up at me giving me a good look of his features.

He has dark circles under his dull eyes, wrinkles forming around his eyes and his head, and sickly looking skin.

I then look to the side of him and see the almost empty bottle of whiskey, with a glass next to it.

I sigh.

This makes it worse and he always does this shit!

I'm tired of this. Aw, fuck man I'm so tired.

I drag a hand down my face, groaning,"Dad. You gotta stop."

He laughs,"I can do whatever I want. You know better than what to tell me."

I grab his arm and the other one as I try to get him off the chair,"I know. Let's get you to bed, it's late dad."

He takes his arm out of my grip, and grabs onto my neck harshly as he looks at me pulling me, while he starts to spit at me,"You don't tell me what to do! I'm your father goddamit!! You wanna be coming home late and telling me what to do? I'm the dad! Not you! So che non verrai in questa casa e mi ordinerai!!"
(Italian - I know you aint coming to this house and ordering me)

"No sir."

He lets go of my neck, his hand soon going to my chin pushing it harshly,"What'd you say?! I'm sorry I couldn't hear you."

I say it again,"No sir."

He pushes me away taking another swig of his whiskey.

"That's what I fucking thought. Next time you wanna try that shit I'll whoop your ass. Vado a letto," He looks at me, pushes the rest of the whiskey into my hands and walks upstairs.
(Italian - I'm going to bed)

Love, SerenaWhere stories live. Discover now