The wedding bells and family(P2)

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Because of my meltdown i rested with Kazuha resting my head between his arms laying tiredly. I thought how pathetic i looked taller bigger and stronger huddling and sobbing in the arms of a man but i don't care because it's with the man that i love.
(And i decided to make them a switch)
My mother ended up comforting me too and giving me meds for my insanity "Kazuha i love you." I huddled up against him hugging his arm

Kuni was hugging Kazuha after i have him his meds i guess he forgot them Kuni really loves him it seems maybe a little too much, he was attached to Kazuha for his whole life since kindergarten.

Kuni was walking around the playground with no friends to play with because he didn't know anyone and when he was little he was shy but then he saw a outstanding boy with white hair a red streak and a beautiful smile also having a sweet voice. He saw Kuni staring at him and waving at him and smiling with teeth closing his eyes full of joy Kuni was charmed and blushed that was the moment he fell in love with Kazuha

"Hello what's your name?" Kazuha asked giggling and holding his hand out Kuni was speechless and stayed silent not wanting to drive him away.
"I'm sorry if you're shy but I'm Kazuha!" He introduced
"Umm...I'm Kunikuzushi.." he blushed and looked away and taking Kazuha's hand holding it gently
"I like your name! It's beautiful." Kazuha stated and Kuni couldn't help but blush more "Are you okay? You're red.." Kazuha asked sweetly
"I umm.. uh... Sorry.. You're my first friend i don't know how to speak with people too much.." Kuni admitted
"No it's okay! Do you wanna play?" Kazuha asked excitedly.


Kuni was in class bored hearing the teacher talk that he went to Kazuha and held his hand laying his head on Kazuha's shoulder. Kazuha guessed he was bored and hugged him, Kuni hugged back too and Kuni pushed his seat closer to Kazuha's "Can i sit in your lap?" Kuni asked, Kazuha nodded and Kuni put his legs over Kazuha's and hopped on his lap.


Kazuha was waiting for Kazuha to put his stuff back in his bag. Meanwhile Kazuha was packing his stuff Kunikuzushi hugged him for behind tugging at his uniform at the chest.
Kazuha turned around and hugged Kunikuzushi then dragged his bag on his shoulder and walking out of class with Kunikuzushi, both went back home safely.

But then Kunikuzushi started to act weird.


Kazuha and Kunikuzushi was studying in a library but out of nowhere Kunikuzushi held his hand although Kazuha didn't think it was weird until someone mocked them "Eww homosexuals.." that was when Kunikuzushi lost control and punched him repeatedly until his whole face was bleeding and his nose was broken but Kunikuzushi couldn't continue because he was held back by Kazuha and then Kunikuzushi was sent to the principals office with Kazuha waiting outside the office and hoping his friend was okay the guy that was beaten up could go to school for 2 weeks Kazuha didn't think that guy deserved it but also brushed it off his mind from that as Kunikuzushi walked out with a crooked grin "Kuni you okay?" Kazuha asked gently but Kunikuzushi didn't answer and just hugged Kazuha, Not wanting to be rude and pushing Kunikuzushi off Kazuha just hugged back, don't worry it's from his own free will.

Kunikuzushi was dozing off while looking at Kazuha and then Kunikuzushi subtly saw someone staring at Kazuha too but Kunikuzushi didn't want to be seen as scary but the final straw has when the person touched his arm then Kunikuzushi lost it and tackled the person on the ground and broke his nose, arm, leg and dislocated his shoulder and the guy was in a coma for a whole year but then Kunikuzushi got suspended from school and got sent to an mental hospital to work things out and Kazuha pleaded the staff to see Kunikuzushi everyday since Kunikuzushi will be staying for 6 months but when he was out he murder the guy he put in a coma for a year and murdered him in his sleep of course nobody knew and Kazuha thought Kunikuzushi beaten the guy to death and he didn't kill the guy directly Kunikuzushi was sent into custody because of suspicion but due to Kazuha trying to defend him and the Raiden family bribing the court to let their son go, Kunikuzushi didn't go to jail and was able to walk around freely but back to point he was in the mental hospital...

Kunikuzushi was just locked in his room all day before someone walked even though he didn't pay any mind and just looked at the ceiling but then he felt numb and fainted and when woke up he was feeling worse than usual, he felt worried for Kazuha suddenly and had a strange feeling in his stomach like something is inside of it, his throat had a big pit inside it.

He felt bloodlust rushing to him so he stood up, looking around wearily he lockpicked the door with a hairpin Kazuha gave to him on their 10th friend anniversary and it really meant a lot to him.
Once he got out of the room he sneaked around and escaped the mental hospital.

Who knows what he's gonna do next?

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