Chapter 8

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Author's Note: I do not own TVD's, TO's, or Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are used throughout this entire story that you might recognize as they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plots, Original Ideas, or OC belong to me.

Klaudia did not have the faintest clue in Hel as to where she is going. Her human rational mind is overwhelmed by the combination of immense power, her anger and this newfound bloodlust taken to dangerous levels that right now her werewolf instincts is focus on hunting and ripping apart any fresh meat she can get her fangs on, only a lot worse.

The sensation of being showered in blood and tasting it was disgustingly appealing from this dark side of her and yet it horrifies her that she is internally screaming to stop her body from moving, but cannot.

Last thing she remembers is pain. So much pain as the only worse pain she has felt when she broke her curse and ever single bone broke to reshape itself into that of a wolf was much like that, but the extra ounce of magic made her blood vessels swell that it felt like they were gonna pop and injected with fire at the same time.

Her vision is hazy red and the night is clear as daylight with her eyesight. Her clothes ripped apart from shifting and was in her white wolf form only something was different. For one she had extra fangs from whatever manner of creature her parents turned her into and the white fur hardly can cover the blood vessels that were formed around her eyes that also had her white sclera bloodshot around her golden yellow wolf eyes.

She hears something from the distance.

Prey. Her nose sniffed. Greater than before her hears also picked up on how many are present.

Six distinctive scents and six heartbeats. The sound of blood rushing inside their bodies makes the inner beast open its jaws, drooling leaking out, coating its sharp fangs that are ready to rip someone into shreds.

"What do you think that was with the storm?" A villager from the Mikaelsons lived said.

There were six villagers all sitting on logs and around a campfire. They had witness the strange phenomena occurring, and seem to convergence back at their village.

One who tears off a piece of meat from a wild boar they killed and were eating shrugged. "Could be Thor is angry about something or someone. Or perhaps from Freyr. Who knows."

One of them chuckles. "Could be Thor stepped on something sharp and is venting." He joked, his companions sharing his amusement as they laugh.

From the darkness, hidden in the bushes were a pair of glowing gold yellow eyes. Staring at six prey ready to be killed. Its tongue licked its fangs. The emotions straining it and adrenaline keeping it ready.

The sound of a bush rustling catches one of the villager's attention. He looks up at the bushes where the glowing eyes vanished. "Something is close by."

One snorts. "Something is and I will kill it like the beast we feed on." He grabs his sword and stands up. Others did the same just in case to defend themselves while two remained seated and watched with tense looks.

The first villager to detect something is out in the woods closes in on the bushes and sticks his sword in to see if he can poke anything in there only to find nothing. He turns around, shrugging as one says. "Maybe it was a squirrel?"

Out of nowhere a loud roar came tackling the villager from behind and tore its claws into his back. The villager cried out in agony. The other villagers jumped back in panic and grabbed their swords.

The white wolf kept ripping at the man's back, leaving deep claw wounds that leaked out blood and caked its paws. The man turns over only this ws his mistake as he left the one spot you never should leave vulnerable during a wolf attack.

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