Mac one shots (Prom)

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~ Netty's POV ~

Slamming my locker shut , I sighed , staring at the poster about the upcoming prom . There were posters were plastered everywhere in school, every nook and cranny there would be a poster either about the prom or voting for prom king and queen . I flipped my long brown wavy hair back and tapped my foot silently on the cold marble floor waiting for Rosie to come .

At the corner of my eye , I saw a girl with long silky black hair flopping down her shoulders as she bounced towards me . Rosie !

She wore a huge smile , practically covering up her whole face while still letting her dimples show clearly . She came to an erupt stop at my locker . " Netty ! " she panted " Guess who asked me out to prom ! " beamed Rosie .

" Urrr... " I pondered , but somehow I knew it was in our group of friends . I was popular , but not to the extend type of popular .

Hmm , itcan'tbeStampyorSquid , theyhavegirlfriends . Maybe...... AshorSnake ?

" It is Ash ! " Rosie cried out , before I had a chance to answer , a dreamy look clearly visible in her eyes .

" OMG YAY " I squealed jumping up and down , celebrating with her .

At this moment , the noisy hallway suddenly turned quiet , quiet enough to hear a pin drop . At that moment , Tom Spencer , Drake Brewer , Bryan Howard and Ike Stewards walked in ,their dirty blonde hair swept to one side , a smirk plastered across their flawless face .

Tom was the ' leader ' of the group and he was also David's younger brother . Tom and I are the same age .

Tom and I were best friends when we were in preschool , we also lived next door to each other . When we were in grade 1 ( also in the same school ) , other people used to tease us of being ' girlfriend ' and ' boyfriend ' . I guess the pressure got to us and we slowly started drifting further from each other . We barely talked from then onwards and to make matters worse , I moved . I moved to a different city . The only reason we came back was because I had gotten a scholarship to this school and my parents said that this was a chance not to be missed , thus moving back . But by the time we moved back , they changed house . ( confusing , I know , but read it slowly it really helps )

Tom smirked as he walked down the hallway, smirking at hot blonde chicks , making them do the BBB ( blush , batt their eyelids innocently and bounce up and down )

Bryan and Drake walked behind Tom , like his bodyguards , sorta . Ike trailed behind Drake and Bryan , he was the 'good boy ' of the group , well as good as a boy in a ' bad boy ' group can be .

( so great at explaining thing today )

I grunted as I pushed pass the crowd . Do people think that Tom is a Hollywood star on some kind of God? All the girls in the level had a crush on him , and unfortunately , me to . But I hid it pretty well if I do say so myself . I developed a crush on Tom when I was 6 years old and that feeling never left no matter how hard I tried . Only one person in the whole world knows that I have a crush on Tom , Rosie .

I pushed pass other students and reached my class just as the bell rang. The rest of the class piled in while I waited for the teacher to enter . It was chemistry now and my lab partner was Tom , ironic , I know . Mrs Smith came into class and started rambling about science and stuff .

~ Tom's POV ~

I did the daily stuff as usual , walked into school , got greeted by girls , ACTING cool .

I only acted cool to get attention , and no one knew . I wanted attention , which I later found out , only from Netty . I only wanted attention from Netty since our families moved and I haven't seen her in forever until high school .I developed a mini crush on her when I was 5 and later developed an even bigger crush on her when I was 6.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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