8. Passenger Queen.

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𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝑩𝒐𝒚

Once she fell asleep, I held her in my arm to laid her back and instead of doing that, I just held her there for several minutes. Literally like a baby. She was sleeping so peaceful and then she moved her hands tucking them close to her face while I was holding her on me. I saw Daniel coming in and he froze looking at us dropping his head at the side.
"What are you doing?" he asked with low tone and I smiled at him.
"Bring my jacket from my locker" I asked him and he left shaking his head. I looked at her again and couldn't stop smiling at this sweet creature. Daniel brought the jacket and put it over her while I refused to let her and got up.

"Are you just going to sit there?"

"Yes, I think I will"

"So much for, these girls are underage, huh?" he asked me and I pouted. She is underage and I should not be here right now.
"You heard the chief; I am about to be her shadow from now on, until we figure out this mess" I said and he sighed.
"Strictly professional, Ty..."

"Yeah, right..." was all I said before he left and Mrs. Woods came.
"She fell asleep?" she asked surprised and I shook my head.
"She looks like she needs it"

"Of course, she needs it, she hadn't sleep in two nights" she said and I frowned instantly.
"Why were you opposed? You said that she's been through enough and she needs some stability. Me coming to her life wasn't at all what she needs. Why?"

"You are here for your job. You need her for your case but also you have to protect her. You know what it's like from her side? She will see you coming close, she likes you so it's not difficult for her to open up to you and start trusting you. When your case is over you won't come back here and you certainly won't be back into her everyday life, agent. This will result more therapy for her. This will cause more sleepless nights and days of frustration for her. Because she will see it as rejection and she does not react well to that. Do you know what pills this girl gets? Antidepressants, mood stabilizers and anticonvulsants, anxiolytics and antipsychotics. Just to be in a normal mental state" she said and I felt my throat drained.

"She is in danger and you expect me to stand out watching it happen, which will probably cause her more problems than I possibly will?"

"You have some type of attachment with her, as she does with you..." she said pointing at her, or me.
"This is proof. She's comfortable enough with you that she fell asleep. Let me tell you that this girl has taken pills that could sleep an elephant and she didn't fall asleep. I have grown up with her. She's my patient for seven years. I don't want to see her damaged and she's trying. She really does"

"Then tell me what to do to not make it worse for her" I said and she sat on her desk.
"Let your partner watch her" she said and then Ashley moved whining in her sleep and I smiled caressing her back some more. I disagree too, beautiful.
"She and I, are different. As you said there's attachment and I'll add attraction. Why would she suddenly want Daniel to be with her when she wants and is comfortable with me? I'm not cocky or overconfident, she herself has said it. And if I could, I would tell her exactly the same. But I can't because she's underage and I'll get fired" I said and she took an envelope coming closer sitting at the puffy chair across me.

"Does that frustrate you?" she asked and I shook my head.
"Don't you think that is weird since you are, considered a man, not a boy, not anymore. And she is a girl, not a woman?" she asked and I tilted my head a bit.
"Are you psychoanalyzing me?"

"You are about to be close to one of my favorite patients. I think is mandatory to do this, after all, I'm the one cleaning up the mess you'll leave behind" she said and I clenched my jaw. I don't like her.
"Okay... No, I don't see her as a girl. I met her at the casino and there I saw a challenging woman, someone would say, sitting among men. Then I saw her in a club, she also didn't look that much of a girl and not considering how she was dressed, fuck that. It's her attitude that makes her attractive to me. Those eyes looking at me with confidence. Her appearance is just bonus" I answered and she was writing in her papers.
"Do you think you will be able to do your job well if you mix emotions with your job? Because after all, she is your job"

𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒆, 𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now