12. Safe and good.

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Pretty girl

After a warm relaxing bath, I took my pill hoping I would get at least five hours of sleep and it was just when I had gotten to my pajamas when my phone rang, and I saw an unknown number. But I picked up in case that it was James, nobody usually calls me for a prank or anything.

"Yes?" I answered and heard someone breathing very heavy.
"Ash..." I heard his voice and my heart ached at how bad he sounded.
"James? What happened to you?"

"They were torturing me... I had to... I had to leave there" he said and that made me shot up to my feet worrying sick.
"What do you mean? Where are you?"

"It's all her fault, so I'm going to break up with her for good this time" I heard him and I started panicking.
"With whom? James what are you talking about?" I asked him and he laughed. He is not good, he is delirium.
"It's Lori's birthday today, she can't miss it. She will be there. We met at her party and I'm going to end it there" he was saying so I just got undressed with my phone stuck between my ear and shoulder.
"Where is the party, James? I should come too."  

"To her villa, at Cresent Heights" he said, and a sigh escaped me. How could he escape a rehab facility? How?...

"Are you close?" I asked him and he chuckled.
"I just got here" he said and then he hung up.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit" I was mumbling while running around trying to get ready and as soon as I could, I left with my car. I had no idea where the villa was, but it wasn't hard to not notice where the lights, the music and the people were. I parked my car wherever I could and almost running, went inside the open house. This could be so dangerous for so many reasons, having an open door to everyone in your house. I would never...

The music was deafening loud and the people in there made me feel my agoraphobic stomach twirl. I must find James before not only he does anything stupid, but also before they notice he is missing from the rehab. The lights weren't helping me so I decided to text the number he talked to me from, hoping that he would help me out.
«I'm at the party, where exactly are you? » I sent and while I was patiently waiting for an answer, I got upstairs and looked down at the crowd from the balcony. I don't think he would be dancing, he sounded angry, he is searching for Rina if I'm not mistaken. So, I must find her before he does because I don't want him anywhere near her.

I saw people getting in and out of a room at the floor, so I followed them and inside the room was like a mini private party. I saw Rina with Daniel and that only made me wonder one thing. Is handsome here too? I wouldn't want him to be. Wandering in the room where people were playing poker and others were just smoking, I approached Rina and Daniel next to her looked more than surprised to see me there.
"Ashley, hey..." she said acting friendly and I faked a smile on my lips.
"I need to talk to you" I said to her, and she shook her head.
"Private" I added and then walked back after I saw her follow me. I got out of the room and when she came, we both dropped the act.
"I'm listening"

"James is here and he is drunk. He doesn't know what he says or do. So, if you see him trying to approach you in any way. Walk the other way" I told her, and she nodded.
"Why is he drunk? Isn't he okay?"

"It's a bit too late, to act like you care for him" I shouted and walked away from her.
"I did care for him!" she yelled back at me and as I was going to the stairs, I saw James getting out of a room with Sam.
"James!" I shouted with relief, and he was happy to see me. He looked like shit; his face was like he hadn't had sleep or water for days.
"I fixed him, now he's all yours" Sam said and I looked at her in fear.
"What do you mean?"

"Big boy here will tell you" she mumbled leaving. James fell onto me trying to hug me tight and he sighed but soon he fell to the floor on his knees, dragging me with him since he hadn't let go of me.
"I'm a mess Ash... I can't do this anymore. It hurts and I'm not that strong. I'm weak" he was mumbling, and I felt my heart ache because he was aching.
"Come on, let's get out of here" I stated, and he looked at me with fear.
"Don't take me back there, please."

"I won't. Let's go eat cheeseburger" I said, and he smiled wide. We got up to our feet, and I helped getting him down slowly and carefully. We walked to my car, and I put him in closing the door. Then, when I was about to get in, I saw Tyler nearby, looking at me with crossed hands.
"What are you doing, Ashley?" he asked, and I simply knew he was here for him. Because he knew.
"I am taking my best friend home" I said, and he shook his head.
"You can't do that."

"I can and I will" I said, and he approached me.

"He's hurting... They're hurting him" I said not looking at him. Because I'm pretty sure I'm about to cry.
"Detoxing, is hurting him" he clarified.
"I can help him get better. I can take care of him" I said nervously playing with my fingers.
"No, you can't, pretty girl... He needs treatment" he said, and I just nodded, getting in the car leaving, before he could do anything to stop me...

"I want a double cheeseburger with a fried egg and some of this pink sauce" he mumbled, and I smiled.
"You forgot the coke" I said, and he chuckled.
"Nah, I'm fine, I'm detoxing now, forgot?" he said and then I realized what I said and what he understood.
"Then we will order some vanilla milkshake" I said, and he chuckled caressing my hair.
"Do you sleep?"

"I am, surprisingly."

"And him?" he asked, and I glanced at him.
"Him who?"

"Black, guy" he said, and I smiled.
"What about him?"

"Is he good to you?"

"Yeah, he is... And we're here" I announced getting in the drive through to order....


"I missed you Ash."

"I missed you too" I whispered to him and fixed the jacket over him. I sat there while he fell asleep and let the tears flow slowly one by one, as I texted Tyler our location. I hate what is being done to him. But he was right. I can't help him the way an expert will.
"I'm sorry" I whispered to him and got out of the car wanting to cry so much. Later, Tyler and Daniel came, I simply gave them the keys of my car and Daniel left, taking James's back to the facility.
"He will be okay" Tyler said to me and I nodded.
"Will you?" he asked, and I shook my head. Then he just hugged me. He wrapped his arms around me trapping me close to him and started caressing my back. I didn't know I needed that when I felt the inner peace settling in my core for good.
"I can guarantee you that he will be okay there."

"I hated seeing him like that" a whisper left my lips, and then placed his hands to the back of my neck controlling my head upwards so that I can look him in the eyes. No different than the sky above.
"Calm down. I can feel your heart in my palm and it's going wild" he said and that alone was a reason for my heart to go crazier. I blinked a couple of times and realized the time and place that I was. He was holding me, and it didn't feel anything weird. In fact, it feels so warm and comfortable. I haven't felt like that for a long time.
"I'm okay" I said and even though I have never felt so safe and good than I do right now, in his arms, I pulled back sighing in relief. He did relieve me.
"I'd appreciate it if you could drop me home" I mumbled, and he smiled.
"Oh, and I was planning on leaving you here for the rest of the dark and cold night" he teased me and gave me a playful smile...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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