Reunited with friends.

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Six months later

I was on a planet called ord mantle I was told it was safe for those who do not wish to be found.

I walked around trying not to cause any trouble.

Then all the sudden I bumped into a little girl with blond hair and brown eyes.

"I'm sorry" I apologized. "Are you hurt?"

She shook her head "no I'm fine"

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Omega whats yours?"


"You're a Jedi aren't you i see your lightsabers" she points at my lightsabers.

I chuckled and realized something. "Are you here alone?" I asked her. "Is your family around"

"Yes my brothers" she said grabbing my hand "I can take you to them. If you don't have anywhere to go"

"I don't have anywhere to go"

She pull me to a bar "I'm back and I found a Jedi" she said.

I looked to see three familiar faces and one unfamiliar members of people I know. One with a bandana and a face tattoo hunter , one bigger than the others wrecker. one with goggles tech and one with a cybernetic arm who I'm not familiar with.

I took off my hood as they looked at me in shock.

"Athena?!" Hunter said slowly walking up to mez

I smiled. "Hi hunter" without hesitation I l launched myself and gave him a hug as he hugs me back.

"I'm glad you're still alive"

"You too" I said letting go of him.

"Jedi girl!" Wrecker said pulling in for a hug.

"Good to see you too wrecker" I said to him.

Tech walks up to me "good to see you again"

I hugged him "you too tech"

"This is echo" hunter pointed at the cybernetic clone.

"Pleased to meet you" I said.

"Ma'aim" he said.

Then I looked around to see one is missing "where's crosshair?"

Hunter frown "it's a long story's I'll tell you somewhere else"

The leader and the Jedi (hunter X jedi OC)Where stories live. Discover now