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We went on a little mission with phee for an artifact as we escaped from them.

When we received a transmission from cid she did not look pleased. "So it's been 20 rotations and no word you better be dead because your absence has cost me a few scores. Remember our mutually beneficial arrangementss,and how well we know one another, if you know what I mean. You'd do well to not assume I am just threatening you." She hangs up leveling everyone quiet.

"You didn't mention you cut ties with cid" phee said.

"Our mutually beneficial arrangement wasn't beneficial mutually" i said to her.

"Figured that out didn't you?" She asked. "I've known cid a long time she's a useful ally but not someone you want to cross do you have a plan?"

"You're looking at it" hunter said pointing at all of us.

"In that case you're all coming with me" she said before telling tech to head to the corrdinates she requested.

We head tho the planet and it looked beautiful.

"Welcome to Papu my him away from home" phee said getting off the ship "it's a hidden sanctuary of sorts thats the archium it's where the artifacts will be stored" she points at a tall building. "It holds treasure from all over the galaxy."

"My analysis indicates that this so called artifact you recovered is of very little no monetary value" tech said.

"Treasure can be many things" she said. "Most of the villagers on pabu are refugees many of the items I recover are remnants of their culture and that's worth the reserving after all I am a liberator—"

"Liberator of ancient wonder" a man said walking up to us with a child with him "about time you showed your face around here." He said hugging phee. Before the girl hugs her. Before looking at us "this is shep hazard mayor of pabu and his daughter lyana." She introduced them "shep, lyana, meet omega, Athena , hunter, wrecker and tech"

Shep shakes our hands welcoming us. As the lyana walks up to us "phees never brought any friends here before"

"Never? Not even cid?" Omega asked.

"Nope" phee answers.

"So why bring us?" I asked.

"Makes you wonder doesn't it."

"Then it's settled" shep said "you'll join us for dinner."

"There's no saying no the sheps famous feast lord of food drink and general merrymaking." Phee said before looking at tech"you'll probably hate it it'll be great"

After a little tour Shep takes us to his place omega made a new friend which is good. Now it's dinner time and enjoy.

I stood up to watch the sun set and as the sun goes down and  light on pabu going on.

Then hunter goes to me Something's not right "what's wrong?" I asked.

"Somethings coming" hunter said. As the ground starts to rumble.

I was concerned so I contacted my daughter "omega coming are you okay?"

"We're fine we're headed back to shore  now" she said on the comm.

"We'll that was different" wrecker said.

"A small tremor it's nothing to worry about" shep said.

"I don't think it's over yet" hunter said as it continued.

"That was not a small tremor" i said.

"I believe this island is at risk for significant sea surge"

"How much risk?" Hunter asked.

"Highly probable to imminent"

"We haven't have a sea surge in more than three decade" shep said "if we were at risk the warning system would've activated"

Then it did which means trouble is coming.

"The water has already begun receding" tech said looking at the scope. "We must evacuate all of liver pabu"

"Lyana and omega they're still in the water." Shep said in Corey.

"I'll grab our ship and get them "you five move everyone to huger ground" hunter said as we get people to safety before the surge hit us.

We got everyone out in time that's what's important" shep said.

"Based on my estimations, it would take several rotations to rebuild the damage sustained in lower pabu" tech said.

"Yes" she agreed "property was destroyed but my people are resilient we'll band together and rebuild."

"I was thinking" hunter spoke "we could stay and help out with things"

"I had the same idea" tech said.

"That is if you don't mind us sticking around for a while" i said.

Shep chuckles "you would be most welcome"

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